Evolution of the ITF (non-political)

Spookey said:
Mr. Mithios,

The "side note" was not directed towards you in any way! It was merely an added portion relevant to the ITF-WTF comments made in previous posts...

My apologies for the misunderstanding!


Oh! Sorry, about that. I think i need sleepy time.

Perhaps Spookey, you are going to get to this later, but how about the evolution of the Theories of Power and introduction of the sine-wave theory?

As to the former, we had to memorize "reaction force, concentration, equilibrium, breath control, speed and mass." Sometime in the early 80s? there was a push for "centrifugal force?" Did that ever make into the official publications?

As to the latter, when and where was the sine-wave introduced? Also, I have read about it but have not seen it. Is there any website which might have a particularly good representation of this?


Thanks Marginal, I'll have to get on my wife's Apple laptop to look at it since she has quicktime. Our is the classic PC vs Mac marriage :)

Dear Guys,

I have been working alot of hours plus tending to my students while being forced to neglect my own training...sorry I havent been on my favorite thread!

Per my understanding, the Sinewave theory as we know it today was introduced in the early to mid 1980's (approx 1983). Regarding what theories made it into text, I will have to check at a later time!

Keep the thread up for me guys...I should become more frequent this week!


(P.S. The sinewave displayed in the clip was preformed by Mr. Mike Morningstar. The video is a portion of the "Legacy" series produced by the ITF. That is the current sinewave, however it looks much more powerful in other depictions)

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