In the recent thread that was locked someone commented that a stab will stop someone unless they are high on PCP. I pointed out that this was wrong and that the person didn't know what they were talking about. And for some odd reason I received a moderator's warning for it! But anyway. It is wrong. A stab wound is only immediately incapacitating if it hits the heart directly or a major artery. Otherwise, this is a matter of "hydraulics". A person begins to fade out or lose consciousness due to blood loss from either internal or external bleeding. If a major vessel is hit, this may be within 30 seconds or so! If a major vessel is not hit....they will keep on coming for several minutes! Regardless, unless you hit someone directly to the heart, they are unlikely to drop immediately! So you have to be prepared to keep fighting, or defending.
Numerous people have been the victim of a stabbing and never realized it until later. Often someone is surprised by an attacker from behind and they put up a fight to defend themselves. What they initially thought was just a punch to the back, turns out to be a stab wound when they are assessing things afterwards!
Stab Wounds Don’t Always Kill
Numerous people have been the victim of a stabbing and never realized it until later. Often someone is surprised by an attacker from behind and they put up a fight to defend themselves. What they initially thought was just a punch to the back, turns out to be a stab wound when they are assessing things afterwards!
Stab Wounds Don’t Always Kill