Is a Stab a "show stopper"??


Senior Master
Jul 6, 2014
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In the recent thread that was locked someone commented that a stab will stop someone unless they are high on PCP. I pointed out that this was wrong and that the person didn't know what they were talking about. And for some odd reason I received a moderator's warning for it! But anyway. It is wrong. A stab wound is only immediately incapacitating if it hits the heart directly or a major artery. Otherwise, this is a matter of "hydraulics". A person begins to fade out or lose consciousness due to blood loss from either internal or external bleeding. If a major vessel is hit, this may be within 30 seconds or so! If a major vessel is not hit....they will keep on coming for several minutes! Regardless, unless you hit someone directly to the heart, they are unlikely to drop immediately! So you have to be prepared to keep fighting, or defending.

Numerous people have been the victim of a stabbing and never realized it until later. Often someone is surprised by an attacker from behind and they put up a fight to defend themselves. What they initially thought was just a punch to the back, turns out to be a stab wound when they are assessing things afterwards!

Stab Wounds Don’t Always Kill

Nope. I've been stabbed. On my left side, went between the ribs and punctured my left lung. Didn't even know it fighting for several minutes before one of my buddies told me I was wounded and bleeding.
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Bait rejected

Not trying to bait you at all. That's why I didn't mention your name. I was just backing up what I said in the other thread. I don't expect you to just take my word for it. But I still think it is pretty ridiculous that I received a warning from the moderators for our exchange!
Nope. I've been stabbed. On my left side, went between the ribs and punctured my left lung. Didn't even know it fighting for several minutes before one of my buddies told me I was wounded and bleeding.
I had a similar experience, only it was a slash to the hand.

It's not always the physical damage that takes the fight out of you.
There are many, many articles on people who were stabbed/shot multiple and lived through it. There are also many articles about people who were shot/stabbed in a non-critical and died because they simply believed they were going to die. The variability in peoples determination to live is just to broad to make the claim that stabbing is a show stopper.
As always, "it depends".

I have been in "fights" that ended with a mere push to the attacker (after blocking two of his punches). I ended one fight after slipping a kick and knocking the attacker into a wall. NONE of those had any physical injury to the attacker, but they weren't used to violence and their commitment level wasn't high after they initiated the fight.

I only point that out because, a "stab" is not a fight ender just because you are stabbed. There are the variables that they might not even know they are stabbed, or their commitment level is VERY high to survive. I have seen people give up at the sight of their own blood without serious injury, again no significant reason other than low commitment to violence.
Like everything else that kills you. It depends on what you get stabbed with and where you get stabbed. It makes all of the difference. I figure as long as it doesn't hit any vital stuff, the body could probably take a beating with being stabbed.
IMHO, a single or secondary stab will not stop the fight, (I myself was stabbed twice and thought I was punched until the blood on my clothing cooled, then it was a phycological reaction, upon reflection), however now days the game has changed, when i was stabbed it was a short lock knife, and like most people never saw the knife, now days it is what some might call the sewing machine, repeated fast continuous strikes to the kidneys, or stomach, which means it is more likely to catch an organ or arteries, and some of the knives used are something a cling on in star trek would use. As JGW said depend were. @KPM forget the point for past threads, I got one too, take it on the chin and move on.
A single stab may or not end the fight. The crux of the matter (as mentioned in the previous thread) is whether it ends the fight immediately. Usually it won’t.

This is part of what makes a knife duel so dangerous. Landing a fatal thrust (or two or three) doesn’t do you much good if your opponent can deliver his own lethal blow a second or two later.
Once again, I've received a warning for what I've posted on this thread for "baiting, trolling or aggressive behavior"! Guys, I'm done with this forum! Find me on facebook if you want to talk.
Once again, I've received a warning for what I've posted on this thread for "baiting, trolling or aggressive behavior"! Guys, I'm done with this forum! Find me on facebook if you want to talk.
I’m guessing it is because you called out the moderators in this thread, for giving you a warning in a prior thread. That’s just bad form and im not surprised if the mod staff found that to be unacceptably rude. If you want to debate an infraction given by the mods, do it with them directly and in private, not in another open discussion thread.

If you hadn’t called out the mods, I suspect this thread would be just fine.
A single stab may or not end the fight. The crux of the matter (as mentioned in the previous thread) is whether it ends the fight immediately. Usually it won’t.

This is part of what makes a knife duel so dangerous. Landing a fatal thrust (or two or three) doesn’t do you much good if your opponent can deliver his own lethal blow a second or two later.
I made that same point in a thread recently. It's not just about who stabs first - you still gotta survive the end of the encounter.
Complaining about administrative action, ignoring warnings
I’m guessing it is because you called out the moderators in this thread, for giving you a warning in a prior thread. That’s just bad form and im not surprised if the mod staff found that to be unacceptably rude. If you want to debate an infraction given by the mods, do it with them directly and in private, not in another open discussion thread.

If you hadn’t called out the mods, I suspect this thread would be just fine.

Nope. The warning was specifically for "baiting, trolling, or aggressive posting." Nothing was said about my comments concerning the moderator's actions. And you cannot discuss an infraction given by the mods because they refuse to respond. The PM I received about this thread didn't even have an active "reply" button.
Good read @lklawson , i liked it - it brought up some great points
also reminded me some kenjutsu and native american techniques ive seen were it looks like "overkill" continuing to attack the enemy after inducing a "fatal" strike to speed up the kill so their opponent cant induce a critical strike while they are dying
Good read @lklawson , i liked it - it brought up some great points
also reminded me some kenjutsu and native american techniques ive seen were it looks like "overkill" continuing to attack the enemy after inducing a "fatal" strike to speed up the kill so their opponent cant induce a critical strike while they are dying
If he's worth stabbing once, he's worth stabbing 3 times.

Peace favor your sword,