Iran slams Canada over G20 brutality

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
It's kinda like that dumb kid in high school who gives you studying advice....

Iran has summoned the Canadian charge d'affaires to the foreign ministry to condemn human rights violations by Canadian riot police against G20 protesters.

The Canadian envoy was summoned to the ministry on Wednesday to receive Iran's protest over the "violent and inhuman" treatment and the massive arrests of G20 protesters by the country's riot police.
How many homosexuals have those damn Canadians hung in the past few years?
I think Iran is ipset because we didn't kill any of them.

Canada's response was a diplomatically worded FU
I'll take the Iranians more seriously, once they stop stoning people for petty offenses...
Oh come on, Canada has allways been known for being an aggresive and punative society. Oh wait! That's just our hockey teams. :biggun:
Whom ever the BrainTrust :idea: :iws: was in Iran that came up with this stunt didn't think it through too well. You'd think Iran would want to keep the whole ideation of "human rights" and the Rights of her citizen to mass protests out of the public eye. I mean what good could have come of this for Iran?

Hmmmmmmmm, perhaps they have watching too much SouthPark. Maybe they are hoping we'll all go on strike, die off then invade? Haaa, the American dogs would be shaking in their boots then. :btg: ( you have a better explanation?)

Iran just wishes they were on top of the US like Canada is.....

Wait....that sounds wrong.....
If Canada is America's hat, and Mexico our jock, what's that make Iran? .... ;)
Well you know what they say about Canada and the USA?
"We're bigger and we're on top, if this were prison. you'd be our *****...."
In all seriousness, it takes some major league gall {or calculated, deliberate, stupidity} for a country with the terrible governance it has at present to make such a 'play.

Then again, there is that news story breaking as of yesterday about the Iranian nuclear scientist claiming he was kidnapped and tortured by the CIA. What's that all about?

Those two incidents smack of Iran manipulating headlines in a advance of something - or am I just being too 'spymaster' cynical?
In all seriousness, it takes some major league gall {or calculated, deliberate, stupidity} for a country with the terrible governance it has at present to make such a 'play.

Then again, there is that news story breaking as of yesterday about the Iranian nuclear scientist claiming he was kidnapped and tortured by the CIA. What's that all about?

Those two incidents smack of Iran manipulating headlines in a advance of something - or am I just being too 'spymaster' cynical?

I think US intelligence approached the man while he was in Saudi, talked him into helping them for some serious $$ and he left with them of his own free will. After a year of being interrogated, interviewed and trying to set up a new life, (minus his son and wife), he got home sick, realized that while living in the USA is 100x better then living in Iran, it, and every other country on earth, is not a paradise on earth. You have to go shopping for food, car repairs, crime, bad neighbours, ******* bosses, gossip, boredom and everything else to go with mundane real life. If he went home without kicking up a fuss, he’s in jail, in serious ****, so he tells a story, a story the Iranian political bosses want to believe. Viola, he’s home, with his family, treated as a hero. I just hope the poor SOB doesn’t end up with a bullet in the back of his head one night.

As for Canada vs. Iran in this little diplomatic nonsense, it barely made a ripple in the news over here, it’s just so laughable. Iran is grasping at straws to make itself look superior to all the western countries. Personally if I’m the Canadian diplomat in Tehran, I’d be unwilling to accept their protest. BUT, I’m sure Canada is helping to look after US interests over there, so we smile, take their little protest paper, nod our heads politely and as we walk out the door, we mumble something about Iran can kiss our ***.
In all seriousness, it takes some major league gall {or calculated, deliberate, stupidity} for a country with the terrible governance it has at present to make such a 'play.

Then again, there is that news story breaking as of yesterday about the Iranian nuclear scientist claiming he was kidnapped and tortured by the CIA. What's that all about?

Those two incidents smack of Iran manipulating headlines in a advance of something - or am I just being too 'spymaster' cynical?
Your heading 'home' where you know the government's likely to shoot you...of course you were kidnapped, tortured and all that.
Too true, Bob. I confess that making up a tale of kidnap and torture to prevent 'bad things' happening when you went home had not occurred to me.

It does beg the question of why go 'home' at all of course?

EDIT: Ah, I see Ken made a very plausible stab at explaining that :tup:.
I BUT, I’m sure Canada is helping to look after US interests over there, so we smile, take their little protest paper, nod our heads politely and as we walk out the door, we mumble something about Iran can kiss our ***.

Remember what we did during the hostage crisis. I'm sure we're there to look after US interests.