Iran contra vs. fast and furious which is worse?


Lifetime Supporting Member
An article that compares the two scandals...for Granfire...

from the article:

Iran/Contra was overseen by a few mavericks without official administration approval. Yet even those involved appear to have been motivated by the chance to curb the influence of a fanatical anti-Western regime in Iran and a freedom-crushing communist regime in Nicaragua.
On the other hand, Operations “Gun Runner” and “Fast and Furious” were conducted with the current administration’s knowledge, and over a thousand people are dead as a result. And now, in the midst of the desperate cover-up before us, participants in the operations are apparently being coached on what to say to investigators. (And don’t forget that the ultimate goal of these operations was not near as lofty as that of Iran/Contra. Rather, it seems to have been to pass new laws infringing even further on our 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Amendment freedoms.)
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that the Stimulus package Obama signed, and of which he is so proud, included $10,000,000.00 in funding for “Gun Runner.”
Unlike Iran/Contra, it looks like this mess goes all the way to the top.
Not sure which drugs you're using this week, Bill, but according to Oliver North Iran-Contra also went right up the ladder to the Oval Office. Rotten Ronnie was no saint.

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