After deciding last year (and after a decent amount of personal research and fact-checking) that I wanted to incorporate the "Paleo" concept into my current fitness program, I've spent the better part of December working up a program plan to add to my lifestyle (to be implemented starting this week!). Besides the diet, I've adjusted my pre-workout/training routine to include primal movements along with the joint mobility exercises. Accusations of "Paleo-fantasy" (most of which are valid points in themselves) aside, I see the obvious benefits of a grain-free, gluten-free, nutrient rich diet which shuns processed foods, food products and artificial ingredients. I'm skeptical as to whether one can really "detox" the body as most mainstream health junkies would have you believe, but I have never questioned the pluses of eating natural food, and cutting down on excess carbs and junk.
I'll be adding the Paleo Diet/Lifestyle to my current training program, which outside boxing and Muay Thai consists mostly of kettlebell (primary), jump rope and bodyweight training.
Has anyone else here ever tried to the Paleo Diet too - thoughts on it? Or turned to nutrition as a means of improving their health or performance in the martial arts? Cheers.