Internal Arts Forum?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
The suggestion has been made that we consider adding an Internal Arts forum. Is there interest in having such a forum? If so, should it be under Chinese Martial Arts or should it be more general? Would it suffice to rename the Tai Chi forum to a more general Internal Arts forum?

Thanks for your input!

-MT Admin-
i think the Internal Arts forum should be much more general ...
cuz u can count aikido too as IMA along with TC,Bagua, HsingYI etc...

I agree. There are numerous internal arts out there and it would benefit more people to have a general forum.
I know that I am at least one person who has made the suggestion.

In all honesty, the entire internal/external categorization is so poorly misunderstood that its original meaning has been all but lost. There really is no such thing as an internal or external style - that is one of the whole ideas behind the taiji diagram, that within one there is the genesis of the other and that neither one was a completely separate entity.


The fact remains that, for good or ill, the categorization exists. Having a generic place where people who practice "internal" arts (and those who "think" they do) can discuss things would be good. There is a Taiji forum. There is a Wing Chun forum. While I don't support a forum for every single martial art with a large backing, a generic forum seems like a good idea...

Now there is just the problem on pinning down, in the same way we did for the Taiji forum, what the "definition" of "internal arts" are... Once that is done, all there will be left to do is cure cancer, the common cold, and determine the meaning of life... ;)
