Interesting meetup

frank raud

Master of Arts
So I made arrangements to meet with a friend of mine to pick up some stuff. When I meet him, I find out he is going to an informal gathering of weapons enthuiasists. When I get to the room, I am greeted by a mix of Irish Stick fighters, HEMA players and a couple of Dog Brothers..Sit down and watch some longsword fighting, then the Dog Brothers pair off and fight with mysoc(sp?), a weapon from Thailand kind of like tonfa. Next up, a Dog Brother with hooked walking cane vs Irish shileagh. Following this is different fighters with Shileagh vs single kali stick, then double stick and Shileagh. More sword work and as I'm heading out the door a gentleman arrives with Samurai armour and a katana. Overall an entertainimg afternoon.
So I made arrangements to meet with a friend of mine to pick up some stuff. When I meet him, I find out he is going to an informal gathering of weapons enthuiasists. When I get to the room, I am greeted by a mix of Irish Stick fighters, HEMA players and a couple of Dog Brothers..Sit down and watch some longsword fighting, then the Dog Brothers pair off and fight with mysoc(sp?), a weapon from Thailand kind of like tonfa. Next up, a Dog Brother with hooked walking cane vs Irish shileagh. Following this is different fighters with Shileagh vs single kali stick, then double stick and Shileagh. More sword work and as I'm heading out the door a gentleman arrives with Samurai armour and a katana. Overall an entertainimg afternoon.
Very very interesting thank you for sharing..
So I made arrangements to meet with a friend of mine to pick up some stuff. When I meet him, I find out he is going to an informal gathering of weapons enthuiasists. When I get to the room, I am greeted by a mix of Irish Stick fighters, HEMA players and a couple of Dog Brothers..Sit down and watch some longsword fighting, then the Dog Brothers pair off and fight with mysoc(sp?), a weapon from Thailand kind of like tonfa. Next up, a Dog Brother with hooked walking cane vs Irish shileagh. Following this is different fighters with Shileagh vs single kali stick, then double stick and Shileagh. More sword work and as I'm heading out the door a gentleman arrives with Samurai armour and a katana. Overall an entertainimg afternoon.
That sounds like a blast.
Just to show I can't always spell or wurd gud, the Krabi Krabong weapon is Mai Sok, not mysoc. Mai Sok - 2nd Style . although they are similar to Tonfa, they are used differently. They essentially reinforce the forearm and are used to block and strike with the forearm. To me the most interesting match was the Irish Shillelagh vs. hooked cane. Not only were the fighters of high calibre (Maxine Chouinard of Antrim style vs Sage Dog of the Dog brothers, the contrasting style made it interesting. Max fought from a high guard(stick held in the middle, raised above his head) Perhaps @Kirk Lawson can correct my terminology. Sage Dog fought from a more conventional grip on his cane, switching from a grip near the hook, to sometimes sliding down to the middle of the cane.
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Just to show I can't always spell or wurd gud, the Krabi Krabong weapon is Mai Sok, not mysoc. Mai Sok - 2nd Style . although they are similar to Tonfa, they are used differently. They essentially reinforce the forearm and are used to block and strike with the forearm. To me the most interesting match was the Irish Shillelagh vs. hooked cane. Not only were the fighters of high calibre (Maxine Chouinard of Antrim style vs Sage Dog of the Dog brothers, the contrasting style made it interesting. Max fought from a high guard(stick held in the middle, raised above his head) Perhaps @Kirk Lawson can correct my terminology. Sage Dog fought from a more conventional grip on his cane, switching from a grip near the hook, to sometimes sliding down to the middle of the cane.
Meh. Close enough for any but the anal retentive. Maxime is a friendly acquaintance and I'd definitely say he know his business. His Antrim Bata style is pretty close to Ken Pfrenger's Cumann Bhata style that I learned.

Was he a part of the HEMA group or was that a different set?

Peace favor your sword,
Meh. Close enough for any but the anal retentive. Maxime is a friendly acquaintance and I'd definitely say he know his business. His Antrim Bata style is pretty close to Ken Pfrenger's Cumann Bhata style that I learned.

Was he a part of the HEMA group or was that a different set?

Peace favor your sword,
Maxime was the organizer and was there with several of his students, there was another group of HEMA enthusiasts and the two Dog Brothers.
Makes sense.

I'm curious as to which. It's a pretty broad community. :)

"Badger" Jones maybe? He's a friend and, ims, is in the Ottawa area.

Peace favor your sword,
Badger is his actual name. C-Dog Chili Pepper Dog as he is formally known. Regarding the HEMA folks, I'm curious too. Maxime teaches his Antrim bata style out of Ottawa Swordplay, but this was at a community center, not their school location.
Badger is his actual name. C-Dog Chili Pepper Dog as he is formally known.
I've known him for something more than 20 years. Back when he went by "Badger North" because there was another "badger" down south. There were plenty of mustlids in the discussion group. I went by "Rabid Weasel." He was teaching Kung Fu back then and I think it may have been before he became officially affiliated with the Dog Brothers.

If you get a chance some time, ask him about the relationship between fresh cornbread and bloody noses. :)

Regarding the HEMA folks, I'm curious too. Maxime teaches his Antrim bata style out of Ottawa Swordplay, but this was at a community center, not their school location.
I may have to reach out the Maxime or Badger to get more details.

Peace favor your sword,
So I reached out to both Maxime and Badger. Turns out they're buds. I had no idea. :) The event was Maxime's club's monthly Open Sparring session so it'll be 'round again next month if you want to go again.

Badger says that it was kind of a slow start to get the HEMA guys (other than Maxime, I'd guess) to "dance" but once he and Sage started "whaling on each other" with the mae sawks people started paying attention.

Anyway, sounds like it was a good time.

Peace favor your sword,
Badger is his actual name. C-Dog Chili Pepper Dog as he is formally known. Regarding the HEMA folks, I'm curious too. Maxime teaches his Antrim bata style out of Ottawa Swordplay, but this was at a community center, not their school location.
BTW, Badger is actually quite an author. Besides writing several novels, and more appropriate for the participants of MartialTalk, he wrote
The Challenge / Deathmatch FAQ 2.5 By Kevin "Badger" Jones. It's definitely worth the read.

Peace favor your sword,
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