Interested Concern

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I've been involved in the martial arts for a few years now and enjoy my training immensely. However, the arts I've practiced are in my opinion sportive and therefore limited in the full scope of self-defense.

A friend of mine told me about his training in Budo Taijutsu/Ninjutsu and I find it very interesting, especially because the training seems very comprehensive.

At the same time, I am concerned about the mysticism and spirituality found in Ninjutsu. As a Christian, I do not wish to involve myself in Eastern religion and the mind sciences.

So basically, Im wondering if it's possible to find a Ninjutsu school which teaches from a Christian perspective, or a school which is simple free of religion/mind science?

Smiley, firstly , welcome. Secondly, What "Mysticism and Spirituality" ? I don't think you have to find a "Christian Based" Ninpo instructor to gain good instruction. You will find that there is very little "celestial posturing" and allot of hard work. The "christian perspective" in its basic form is what all Martial Arts are about anyway, humility, kindness, discipline etc. Don't be so fearful, use your instincts. You will most likely find most Ninpo scools populated with pretty regular guys and gals. Good Luck!

smiley said:

I've been involved in the martial arts for a few years now and enjoy my training immensely. However, the arts I've practiced are in my opinion sportive and therefore limited in the full scope of self-defense.

A friend of mine told me about his training in Budo Taijutsu/Ninjutsu and I find it very interesting, especially because the training seems very comprehensive.

At the same time, I am concerned about the mysticism and spirituality found in Ninjutsu. As a Christian, I do not wish to involve myself in Eastern religion and the mind sciences.

So basically, Im wondering if it's possible to find a Ninjutsu school which teaches from a Christian perspective, or a school which is simple free of religion/mind science?

gozanryu said:
Smiley, firstly , welcome. Secondly, What "Mysticism and Spirituality" ? I don't think you have to find a "Christian Based" Ninpo instructor to gain good instruction. You will find that there is very little "celestial posturing" and allot of hard work. The "christian perspective" in its basic form is what all Martial Arts are about anyway, humility, kindness, discipline etc. Don't be so fearful, use your instincts. You will most likely find most Ninpo scools populated with pretty regular guys and gals. Good Luck!


Thanks for the reply. I agree most things that are linked to the martial arts do not interfere with my Christian beliefs, which is good and why I took up the practice in the first place. But basically my concerns center around the aspect of meditation in training, fostering inner strength, the use of ki, etc.

I guess the best course of action would be to speak to an instructor and see if they have a problem simply leaving these kinds of things out of my training.

Smiley, I think that is the best course, however, I am curious. What is wrong with calming meditation, focussing, etc. as in pertains to Christianity? I am just curious how those things could be "bad" for lack of a better word.

smiley said:


Thanks for the reply. I agree most things that are linked to the martial arts do not interfere with my Christian beliefs, which is good and why I took up the practice in the first place. But basically my concerns center around the aspect of meditation in training, fostering inner strength, the use of ki, etc.

I guess the best course of action would be to speak to an instructor and see if they have a problem simply leaving these kinds of things out of my training.

gozanryu said:
Smiley, I think that is the best course, however, I am curious. What is wrong with calming meditation, focussing, etc. as in pertains to Christianity? I am just curious how those things could be "bad" for lack of a better word.


Without sounding too preachy, meditation is something that I as a Christian believe is a path down the wrong road. I do however believe in everyone's right to decide whats best for them. But if you're interested in where I'm coming from just do a search for things like the "dangers of meditation" "yoga", etc.


I too am Christian, and I have yet to find anything in my training that "conflicts" with my belief systems.

Of course, everyone has their own opinions... but I think you may be able to find what you are looking for.
Sitting still and counting breaths a "highway to hell"?? IMHO I think you are reading into the practice. I find I get the same effect from running, should I stop that too? Im being a little sarcastic I know, please dont take it wrong, but meditation isnt really religous as much as it is learning to control your own mind. From my experience, everybody could use some of that.
Well, I want to start off saying I too am a Christian, and secondly I don't want this topic turning into a "religion" bash session. But here is my opinion, because I to have struggled with the fact of the mysticism and spirituality and such. But, I take TKD, and most TKD schools are not based on "religion".

I take MA in a Christian perspective too, and I have found so many other Christians who think I'm nuts for doing MA. I haven't found a single friend that I know personally who is a Christian who even wants to try MA out. It kind of hurts, but I see there are others like me who are Christian MA.

On another note, meditation was embraced in the Bible, though not how you were talking. Meditating on the Word, such as what David would do in the fields. It even says so about it when Absolam killed his brother and news came to David while he was meditating in the fields. Though, it's not the same thing as the crossing your legs, humming, closing your eyes thing. When you have your quiet time, it is considered meditating. I know I didn't need to elaborate on that, because you probably knew that. Just wanted to say all that. I don't want to sound preachy here either. Its just because I've heard people say Christians do not meditate at all, but even in the Bible, yes in so many translations, even in the Greek versions, it says meditation, which is spending time with God. Also, I agree that meditation is control of the mind. For Christians, it's getting closer to God and being more of a sound mind, walking firmer in the Lord.

Anyways, I think its all up to you. I've seen things about the bowing and such in some of the Ninjitsu schools. Some, I SAID SOME, bow on the floor to a shrine; I don't know if this is relative to all ninjitsu schools because I just don't have the experience. But I've read about plenty of Ninjitsu schools that do have normal guys and gals who do not want part of all the bowing to shrines or sensei's in a manner of MASTER or Lord. I haven't been to but one Ninjitsu school, and I did not attend there. They didn't seem to get into the mysticism and all that. They were cirriculum and such and that was all. It was MA not combined with religion.

So, yeah, just talk to the head instructor and ask point black questions. Heck, I've heard of a few Christian Ninjitsu Instructors who embrace only the MA. That's a plus, rare, but hopefully you'll find what your looking for. I have very limited knowledge of Ninjitsu schools, so I don't know much about it. I would think that alot of the schools in America would be void of a set religion unless otherwise noted, due to the fact that it does conflict with some people. It does me, but ATA TKD is not forceful in any way toward tearing me away from Christianity and from God. Heck, They have Christian editors and writers of the ATA Way of Taekwondo magazine who have wrote such articles. Anyways, Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.

I'd have to agree with Technopunk. I am a Pagan, not a Christian. My beliefs have never really entered into the dojo. When we meditate it is about settling of mind and on. There is an element of practice within Paganism that will utilize meditation, but not what is practiced in class. Don't worry about it.

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