Brown Belt
I believe that telling the truth even when you know it will harm you IS integrity.
While Im all for making homo/hetero relationships equal in terms of economics, benefits, medical permissions, child rearing etc...those are all legal and civil issues. The whole "marriage" issue is about "mainstreaming" the gay lifestyle more than its about "equality" IMO. If laws were passed that allowed all the "benefits" of marriage to gays but didnt term it as "marriage" it would probably be unacceptable. To compare her to Hitler is unfair and cliche (Reductio ad loose), she didnt state that there should be any repression, illegal treatment or "damnation" of homosexuals..only that she believed that marriage was for the union of a man to a woman. Nothing like name calling and Hitler comparisons to bolster ones belief in "tollerance".
I respect her for choosing to tell the truth vs. what she knew the judge wanted to hear.
As the saying goes, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Hre right to her belief is as valid as anybody elses.
Sorry mate but I never compared the lady to Hitler. What I did do was to suggest that if you applied the logic of this thread and this thread's definition of the word integrity to such people as Hitler you would have to say that that he had integrity also. The reason? Because he lived his life by a consistant set of ethical principles! Not once did I say that she was like Hitler, all I suggested was that Hitler lived his life by a set of ideas that in the face of overwhelming opposition and resistance he stuck to to the very end. I did this to satirise the absurdity of this thread's notion of integrity.
I admit it wasn't the best example. I much prefer the one I added in a later thread using this perception of integrity on people who steadfastly believe that America and the west should live under Sharia law. It is a better example because those people are standing for their beliefs because of religious fundamentalism!
By suggesting that I compared this lady to Hitler, when I clearly did not is unfair and cliche (Strawman - you lose! - does that feel as annoying to you as it did when you tried to do it to me?)
You are quite incorrect though, she did state that their should be repression of homosexuals. By supporting the notion that marraige should only be for a man and a woman was advocating the repression of the rights of all the Christian homosexual couples who wish to and do marry. There are priests who will marry homosexuals but she supports the idea that they shouldn't be doing this.