
At the end of the day, he's just a gossip columnist.

I understand and agree with what you are saying, but Perez Hilton has hurt many people with his vile, cruel behavior. He deliberately and publicly outs closeted homosexuals in direct violation of their decisions about how they want to live their lives. People who are harming no one through their actions are directly harmed by his.

He is a monster. But even worse than his behavior, is the fact that people continue to give him attention. If people chose not to watch his behavior, he would fade into insignifigance over night.

More depressing to me than his behavior here, or the contestant's answer to his question, is the fact that a prestigious organization chose to employ him as a judge. What made them think this was a good move? If they wanted to pander to equal rights, or even certain pro-homosexual aspects of their viewing audience, there are many reasonable respectable homosexuals they could have chosen from.

He is a despicable human being who brings suffering and pain to innocent people. He does not deserve a platform. He does not deserve a voice.

He deserves castigation, villification, and contempt.

See, that's where you and I are different.

My first thought is, "I need to learn more about her." Then I run over and start quizing her about her opinions on socio-economic issues to find out how open she is to free market anarchism.

Works every time.


Your First thought Rob? You are sooooo lying!!!!! 4 or 5th maybe, but 1st, who are you trying to fool?
Your First thought Rob? You are sooooo lying!!!!! 4 or 5th maybe, but 1st, who are you trying to fool?

Actually, my first thought is, "I love my wife very very much. She's the most beautiful woman in the world, way more beautiful than that hussy. I'm so glad I'm married to such a wonderful, intelligent woman who fulfills me in every way and makes my life worth living."

Then I spend the rest of the day writing her poetry, renting girl movies, cleaning the kitchen, and trying to think of ways to make her life easier.

What were we talking about?

This story kinda makes me sad. It is sad we have to celebrate when someone has "integrity", it should be an everyday occurrence in our society but sadly it is not.

I totally agree with you Lisa. I'm philosophically to the right of John Wayne. I mean, to ride, shoot strait, and speak the truth, philosophy. Corny yes, but I've seen alot in life. And while I see so much of the world actually does not even think that way, I still feel that is the way it ought to be.

There really was a time when a manÂ’s (and womenÂ’s) word was enough. Where even if one did not agree, they had respect for each other's opinion and didn't go down to name calling.

I suspect those who do not have integrity, just like those who do not have any honesty, hate those that do and will do anything they can to pull them down to their level.

Even, in this case, to get them to change their beliefs just for a crown.

Sorry but I don't see any "integrity" here I just see prejudice.

Being consistant with your views doesn't make you decent if your views are that other people should not have the same rights as yourself purely on account of their sexual orientation.

I don't think that it was appropriate for that judge to ask the question but her answer didn't make me think she had integrity! If she had been asked whether it was ok if a black man married a white woman and she had said "I don't wish to offend anyone here but in my view I don't believe black men should be allowed to marry white women" we would not be celebrating her integrity!

The one good thing about Hitler is, is that he lived his life by a consistant set of ethical principles!

I don't think that it was appropriate for that judge to ask the question but her answer didn't make me think she had integrity! If she had been asked whether it was ok if a black man married a white woman and she had said "I don't wish to offend anyone here but in my view I don't believe black men should be allowed to marry white women" we would not be celebrating her integrity!!

Well, unlike other years, contestants were asked a variety of questions about controversial topics, like their views on the TARP bailouts, and global warming. Within that context, the question was appropriate. And her answer was within a mainstream of thought in America-whether or not that viewpoint is "appropriate," only time will tell-but it was a display of a sort of integrity, given that she knew that her answer would not necessarily be a popular one, or one that the judge who asked it wanted to hear, and also knowing that the judges knew enough about her to anticipate how she would answer-that, in my view, probably made the question itself somewhat unfair.
Well, unlike other years, contestants were asked a variety of questions about controversial topics, like their views on the TARP bailouts, and global warming. Within that context, the question was appropriate. And her answer was within a mainstream of thought in America-whether or not that viewpoint is "appropriate," only time will tell-but it was a display of a sort of integrity, given that she knew that her answer would not necessarily be a popular one, or one that the judge who asked it wanted to hear, and also knowing that the judges knew enough about her to anticipate how she would answer-that, in my view, probably made the question itself somewhat unfair.

Well a quick scan on the net gives me this definition of integrity

"adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty."

Now the key word here for me is "moral." How sound is her moral character? I think people here, are confusing integrity with a prejudice.

Sticking steadfastly to a prejudice does not demonstrate integrity it demonstrates ignorance.

If we were to use the logic of this thread on other people with prejudices and hurtful belief systems we could argue that Osama Bin Laden has integrity! He may be wrong but at least he stands by his murderous beliefs no matter how wrong they are! We could argue that peadophiles who claim that the child was asking for it have integrity because even when confronted with the facts of situation they still stand by their twisted viewpoint. We could argue that racists have integrity because no matter whether they are right or wrong they wont shift their ignorant viewpoint.
how do you know YOUR opinion is the right one and her's is wrong?

you dont. you THINK it is, but you dont KNOW it is.

please stop using terms like "ignorant" to describe this woman, it isnt accurate.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, but Perez Hilton has hurt many people with his vile, cruel behavior. He deliberately and publicly outs closeted homosexuals in direct violation of their decisions about how they want to live their lives. People who are harming no one through their actions are directly harmed by his.

Agreed. When I made my gossip columnist remark, I was not dismissing your opinion. Rather I was calling attention to the power consumers give him. I'm only vaguely aware of the guy -- hadn't looked at his website until this story broke. I've heard his radio broadcasts here, and I tend to tune out the celeb gossip stuff. The only time I had seen him until now was on Trump's Celebrity Apprentice.

As Trump also owns Miss America, it'll be interesting to see if Trump puts him on the air again.
...that, in my view, probably made the question itself somewhat unfair.

Exactly, I think he knew the answer he was going to get, and so the question was a set-up, and the pay-off was to call attention to Hilton, not to have a serious discussion about an important current issue.
Exactly, I think he knew the answer he was going to get, and so the question was a set-up, and the pay-off was to call attention to Hilton, not to have a serious discussion about an important current issue.

And I hope the Miss USA pagent officals now see they don't want an activist for a judge. Hilton was the problem, not Prejean. I hope they learn something from this. You can't be an unbiased judge if you are there for you own agenda.

Or if you're a soulless bastard who's claim to fame is the ruination of the lives of innocent people.

Believing people should be able to do what ever they want in their private life, and DEMANDING that that be allowed by all and sundry doesn't really fit well with demeaning opinions you don't like...
how do you know YOUR opinion is the right one and her's is wrong?

you dont. you THINK it is, but you dont KNOW it is.

please stop using terms like "ignorant" to describe this woman, it isnt accurate.

Because my opinion doesn't condone preventing people having the same rights as everybody else because of their sexual orientation.

Because my opinion is about celebrating the freedom for people to live the way they wish to live as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

I honestly can not see how anybody can celebrate this womans prejudice against homesexuals by calling it integrity. We wouldn't be doing this if she was an anti-semite, we wouldn't be doing this if she was proposing that America and the west lived under Sharia Law, we wouldn't be doing this if she opposed inter-racial marriages. Expressing her prejudices in the face of losing the competition demonstrates her stubborness not her integrity.
Because my opinion doesn't condone preventing people having the same rights as everybody else because of their sexual orientation.

Because my opinion is about celebrating the freedom for people to live the way they wish to live as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

I honestly can not see how anybody can celebrate this womans prejudice against homesexuals by calling it integrity. We wouldn't be doing this if she was an anti-semite, we wouldn't be doing this if she was proposing that America and the west lived under Sharia Law, we wouldn't be doing this if she opposed inter-racial marriages. Expressing her prejudices in the face of losing the competition demonstrates her stubborness not her integrity.
So she is prejudiced and stubborn?... I believe what she said is that it was the way she was brought up. Sounds more like a factor of her religious upbringing. If that is the case, then her so called prejudice is a matter of her faith. Care to take a shot at anyone's faith here?

By the way, having a strong belief in one's religious upbringing and sticking to all the doctrines (not just the ones you like) would, in my book, be considered having religious integrity. Not that I am implying Miss Cal. is anything like Mother T. Just making an observation.
So she is prejudiced and stubborn?... I believe what she said is that it was the way she was brought up. Sounds more like a factor of her religious upbringing. If that is the case, then her so called prejudice is a matter of her faith. Care to take a shot at anyone's faith here?

By the way, having a strong belief in one's religious upbringing and sticking to all the doctrines (not just the ones you like) would, in my book, be considered having religious integrity. Not that I am implying Miss Cal. is anything like Mother T. Just making an observation.

Personally I'm not going to take a shot at anyone's faith.

However, in terms of her upbringing, her grandmother Jeanette Coppola said this regarding the controversy:

"I never knew there were so many gays out there! I don't know why that gay guy Perez was even judging a contest with a bunch of girls. That doesn't make any sense. He should be judging a Chippendale's contest"
That to me reads as a denigrating family view towards gay folks in general, and not something read from Holy Gospel.

Personally I don't see this as an attack on Christians or Christianity. There are many Christians that do not support the right to marry for same sex couples, yet there are others that do. There are Christian churches in this country - including very old churches of well-established denominations - that can and will marry a same sex couple that wants to take legal and moral responsibility for one another as well as abide by the teachings of Jesus. Christianity is not united by a dislike of homosexuality, it is united by a love of the Christ.
I believe that telling the truth even when you know it will harm you IS integrity.

While Im all for making homo/hetero relationships equal in terms of economics, benefits, medical permissions, child rearing etc...those are all legal and civil issues. The whole "marriage" issue is about "mainstreaming" the gay lifestyle more than its about "equality" IMO. If laws were passed that allowed all the "benefits" of marriage to gays but didnt term it as "marriage" it would probably be unacceptable. To compare her to Hitler is unfair and cliche (Reductio ad loose), she didnt state that there should be any repression, illegal treatment or "damnation" of homosexuals..only that she believed that marriage was for the union of a man to a woman. Nothing like name calling and Hitler comparisons to bolster ones belief in "tollerance".

I respect her for choosing to tell the truth vs. what she knew the judge wanted to hear.

As the saying goes, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Hre right to her belief is as valid as anybody elses.
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