
Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
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I don’t know if any of you watched the Miss. America Pageant (well I didn’t but…) but Carrie Prejean, Miss California, showed impressive integrity.

During the show, one of the judges, a gay blogger, asked her, about her stance on same-sex marriage knowing she knew who he was (all contestants study judges so they know what they like or dislike) and she said, “I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," she said on the live broadcast. "No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."
Now that’s integrity! She knew he would not like that yet she told him the truth strait out. She was not insulting in any way, but she knew what would make an enemy out of him.

Even the co-director the Miss California competition, Keith Lewis, which Prejean won to make it into the Miss USA pageant, came out against her. Lewis told that he was "saddened" by Prejean's statement.

"I am personally ... hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman," said Lewis in a statement.


So they would have her compromise her beliefs in order to curry favor! How despicable!

But she showed integrity. You know she wanted that crown bad, just as any of the others did, but she stood tall and said what she believed in.

Yes integrity. To me she is better than any ‘Miss. America”.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with her position, you have to admit she stuck to it.

I find it despicable that one of the judges would use this as an opportunity to try to advance a personal political agenda, even if it's one that I may sympathize with to some degree.

Well I'll admire her integrity but her brain cells need a bit of a jump-start ... especially in the first part of her answer... "In my country..." where the hell is she from man?
Noted genius Perez Hilton called her a "Dumb *****".
The left supports your right to unpopular opinions as long as they are APPROVED unpopular opinions...
Noted genius Perez Hilton called her a "Dumb *****".
The left supports your right to unpopular opinions as long as they are APPROVED unpopular opinions...

Perez Hilton is a parasite who survives off of the activities of other parasites, none of whom are worthy of our attention.

You're right about the left. Of course, the political right is exactly the same. Neither side is interested in the ideas of those with whom they disagree.


So they would have her compromise her beliefs in order to curry favor! How despicable!

I don't see how that follows. You can still be hurt by someone's beliefs (i.e. that your love is inferior to theirs) without expecting or even wanting them to change. Having integrity about your beliefs doesn't render those beliefs immune to criticism.
So, she gets "integrity points" for expressing what she truly believes, rather than what she probably knew the judges wanted to hear. That's really commendable (I really think it is ) but it doesn't win contests.

Bottom line, if the corporation that is the "Miss America Pageant, INC." doesn't want to be represented by that opinion (as evidenced by the "gay blogger" being a judge) then her integrity loses-kind of like the tennis player who hits a winning shot, and then points out that their toe was over the line: sure, they've got integrity, but they lose.

It's the way of the world, no more, no less....
The question is quite charged by the current case in California. She was asked what she thought about same-sex marriage, not what she thought about equal rights under the law for same-sex couples. The means by which many jurisdictions have sought to equalize same-sex couples is by extending state marriage rights to them. Those who see marriage as a religious institution get caught in this issue.

I disagree with her answer, but religion and many other conventions are not as important to me as they are to her. If you're going to ask somebody a question like that, expect an answer that will disappoint somebody. She could have given an answer that would have pleased the questioner, won the pageant, and then be deemed unfit to serve by people who think Miss America is some kind of guiding light.

Personally, when I see somebody running around in a bikini and a sash, I don't think to myself, I better run up and ask her a serious question about an issue of the day.
Personally, when I see somebody running around in a bikini and a sash, I don't think to myself, I better run up and ask her a serious question about an issue of the day.

See, that's where you and I are different.

My first thought is, "I need to learn more about her." Then I run over and start quizing her about her opinions on socio-economic issues to find out how open she is to free market anarchism.

Works every time.

So, she gets "integrity points" for expressing what she truly believes, rather than what she probably knew the judges wanted to hear. That's really commendable (I really think it is ) but it doesn't win contests.

Bottom line, if the corporation that is the "Miss America Pageant, INC." doesn't want to be represented by that opinion (as evidenced by the "gay blogger" being a judge) then her integrity loses-kind of like the tennis player who hits a winning shot, and then points out that their toe was over the line: sure, they've got integrity, but they lose.

It's the way of the world, no more, no less....
Perhaps, but integrity isn't a bad thing to have ... not in my experience. :asian:
I've never understood these pageants. Why judge their looks if you're going to ask them questions? Why judge their answers if you're gonna have them prance around in bathing suits? Why not eliminate the bathing suits and have them pose in lingerie?
Brilliant business move. She (and/or her handlers) found a way for her to be talked about whether or not she wins the pageant. Should only be a matter of days until she starts profiting from a group with an agenda against gay marriage, either locally in California or nationally.
Perhaps, but integrity isn't a bad thing to have ... not in my experience. :asian:

Mine either-the point I'm trying to make is that in life: in business, sports, or a beauty pageant, the position with the most integrity isn't necessarily the winning one. As martial artists,some of us-those that have studied strategy, or or have fought for their lives, or both, recognize that in order to survive, sometimes one has to adapt methods that might lack that kind of integrity...

...not that a beauty pageant is really one of those situations, and Carol is right-it was kind of a shrewd move. By next week she'll be a Fox News commentator-she certainly can't be any worse than the ones they have now...:lfao:
Personally, when I see somebody running around in a bikini and a sash, I don't think to myself, I better run up and ask her a serious question about an issue of the day.

I'd like to amend this comment, having heard Hilton's post show online blog in which he called Miss California a "b." He asked her opinion. She gave it. Resorting to mysogyny in condemning her remarks is a disservice to equal rights.
This story kinda makes me sad. It is sad we have to celebrate when someone has "integrity", it should be an everyday occurrence in our society but sadly it is not.
I don’t know if any of you watched the Miss. America Pageant (well I didn’t but…) but Carrie Prejean, Miss California, showed impressive integrity.

During the show, one of the judges, a gay blogger, asked her, about her stance on same-sex marriage knowing she knew who he was (all contestants study judges so they know what they like or dislike) and she said, “I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," she said on the live broadcast. "No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."
Now that’s integrity! She knew he would not like that yet she told him the truth strait out. She was not insulting in any way, but she knew what would make an enemy out of him.

Even the co-director the Miss California competition, Keith Lewis, which Prejean won to make it into the Miss USA pageant, came out against her. Lewis told that he was "saddened" by Prejean's statement.

"I am personally ... hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman," said Lewis in a statement.


So they would have her compromise her beliefs in order to curry favor! How despicable!

But she showed integrity. You know she wanted that crown bad, just as any of the others did, but she stood tall and said what she believed in.

Yes integrity. To me she is better than any ‘Miss. America”.

Yes, I agree she does show integrity. But would you be making a big deal out of this if she was showing integrity but expressing a belief you disagreed with?
Hilton said:
"I am personally ... hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman," said Lewis in a statement.

So hurt that he called her a *B*? I'm a strong proponent of equal rights for same sex couples, but Mr Hilton doesn't represent my views on this issue. His behaviour is a liability to the movement.
Regardless of how anyone else might see you or how much pressure is on you, you shoul always be true to yourself. Thats what I tell my children and what I do my best to be true to.
Perez Hilton is a liability to anyone and anything he comes into contact with. He's a foul, mean-spirited clown. I can't think of anything good that has come of him.

At the end of the day, he's just a gossip columnist.