Inquiry about medicinal herbs


Blue Belt
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Syracuse, NY
I would like to know if there are any medicinal herbs that are used to help kidney function. Specifically the formation of stones. I have been through about 1-2 surgeries per year to eliminate kidney stones for the last several years. I have 40% function left in my left kidney and 60% in my right. I know all about drinking lots of water, and cranberry juice, but the Dr's are telling me that my body is either producing too much of something, or not enough. They just can't figure out what. Is there any herb or vitamin, etc. that can restore balance to my kidneys? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know of a few, but what you *really* need to do is see an O.M.D. who can evaluate you, your emotional state, your mental state, your yin-yang balance, etcetera and recommend the herbs you require.

I hestitate to give *any* herbal advice because I am not an O.M.D. and everyone's needs are unique.
I know that when my friend had stones, she stopped drinking all carbonated beverages, and they never have reoccurred. It's been about 5 years now.
TCM practitioners rely on the differentiation of "patterns" to prescribe herbs for various conditons, hence there is no one herb or group of herbs for every problem. Your best bet is to find a qualified herbalist who can examine you and decide how to procede. You can find an herbalist at the following URL:


Steve Lamade
Yes but herbals and prescriptions for herbs and proper administration of herbs really require a qualified herbologist and better yet as previously mentioned a properly trained OMD.

Also as mentioned TCM does not diagnose in the same way as western medicine.

Where are you located?
See if you can find someone thats a certified natural health professional (CNHP). I've seen a woman that did wonders with recommending particular herbs.
I would like to know if there are any medicinal herbs that are used to help kidney function. Specifically the formation of stones. I have been through about 1-2 surgeries per year to eliminate kidney stones for the last several years. I have 40% function left in my left kidney and 60% in my right. I know all about drinking lots of water, and cranberry juice, but the Dr's are telling me that my body is either producing too much of something, or not enough. They just can't figure out what. Is there any herb or vitamin, etc. that can restore balance to my kidneys? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Herbal treatment may not be the correct treatment plan. Also it could depend on the disorder say a Yin deficency or a yang deficency may result in different herbs as well as different "root" causes that may be the true factor manifesting in the Kidneys. The reason you go to see a TCM practicer is because that person can diagnosis the problem(hard to take a pulse over a pc) better than over a forum. As you can see treating an illness with herbs is a skill
and requires someone to properly diagnosis(same as a western doctor to correctly give the right percription medicine based on actually seeing the patient) I hope that helps you in understanding more about herbs.
So you already saw a docter? Well thats oke, dont think that the herbs can take you away from a docter. ;)

What you can try is drinking tea from the following:

Camomile (is very good for kidneys) - you can drink as many as you like but minimum 4 cups a day. Look for a good package in the supermarket or better buy complete pre-dryed flowerheads at a drogery store and make tea out of it yourself. (dont take it when you are allergic to florist daisy and/or michaelsmas daisy)

Willow-herb( Epilobium parviflorum)
Drink it as tea about 3 cups a day. You can find this also in a good drogerystore.

To avoid that people mess around with the tea by the production, I always try to buy the necessary pre-dryed flower parts so I can make tea of it myself. Good drogery stores can offer you this and otherwise there are a lot of internetsites where you can order it. Look for Wicca or Pagan Herbal sites, they offer the best and most Herbs as they need good pure herbs for their healings and rituals.

The herbs will help the kidney to ease his problems and because of this, he might start working a bit better too, but do go to a doctor.

Warm regards,
You can try a search here. NSI brand is the best. But ideally it would be best to see an OMD, CNHP, or someone trained in TCM. Good Luck. :)
While you are going to see the doctor and checking out these trained people, nettle tea won't do you any harm (unless allergic) and it helps clean out the kidneys. Fresh is better and if you can harvest them yourself, make sure they are not from the side of a road or where they can be sprayed with pesticides. Pick only the tips of the stalks and wash them thoroughly. Best brewed in a cafetiere. A warning though, it's an aquired taste.
I learned that Nettle Tea is more a general cleaner this can also be good but I personally prefer Camomile, Camomile helps the kidneys when their function is bad. But than again, they both dont hurt and I drink them both a few times a day. Unfortunately from the shop as there are no Nettles now, have to wait till Spring to get fresh leafs for tea and soup.

@Shaderon: Have you already tried Camomile/Ginger/Blackberryleaf Tea? this is truly delicious.
I just discovered it, didnt know this combination. :D

It seems to have a lot of nice functions too. ;)
I would like to know if there are any medicinal herbs that are used to help kidney function. Specifically the formation of stones. I have been through about 1-2 surgeries per year to eliminate kidney stones for the last several years. I have 40% function left in my left kidney and 60% in my right. I know all about drinking lots of water, and cranberry juice, but the Dr's are telling me that my body is either producing too much of something, or not enough. They just can't figure out what. Is there any herb or vitamin, etc. that can restore balance to my kidneys? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
At this point you do not want to inhibit or over do your meds. Your doctor should know what you take for your kidneys. 40% is getting very reduced as to function. You do not want to see this reduced. Onion raw onion helps as a duretic. Vingar As a flush. I would say with your kidney function as it is you take several doses a day of duretics now. creatine and bun level of your kidney if these numbers are getting higher work with your doctor and if the doctor does not approve of your herbal use listen Its your kidneys you need them 40 % and 60% says let the doctor help you.