Injury update Feb '09


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
As many of you know, I tore my right calf muscle while running last March. I want to update you on my progress. For the last 4 months, I've been in a plastic boot cast up to my knee. The doctor hoped it would help the muscle repair itself. It didn't. Every time I went without it for longer than 4-5 hours, I had the same pain I did as before I had the boot. Running a TKD program as the only instructor while wearing one plastic boot & only tennis shoe is far from the ideal situation.

Yesterday, I went back to the doctor. He gave me a shot of a medication (not cortizone) with a steroid that he said might repair the damaged muscle. His next words were so odd to me, I asked to clarify them. He said, "now I want you to go out & test it for a week." I said, "Doc, when I heard "test it" I would tend to treat it like a rental car. Is THAT what you mean?" He said, "Yeah, it's already torn. If this med works, it will be repaired & you won't have the pain. If you have pain, it didn't work. Put the boot back on. & we'll have to do surgery." So I have permission to test it out.

I had planned to teach class (& do it bare foot) for the 1st time in a loong time last night, but then we found out my father-in-law was being hospitalized & was not doing well. So, I canceled class to visit him. On top of this, my grandmother is also gravely ill in a hospital in Chicago. Needless to say, my leg is the least of my worries.

My wife & I would appreciate prayers for our families in this stressful time.
It's been 10 months, I think that you need to look for a different Dr. I'm wondering if some portion of the pain has to do with you taking the cast off as using that area. I've seen alot of circumstances where after an area is immobilized for an extended period , the pain has less to do with the original injury and more to moving the muscles /tendons, etc for the first time in a long time.

I'm sorry about your relatives health and wish you the best
Hang in there and yours are in my prayers.
Wow Iceman...that is a lot to be going through.

Hang in there and best of luck. You and your family are in my prayers always. :asian:
It's been 10 months, I think that you need to look for a different Dr. I'm wondering if some portion of the pain has to do with you taking the cast off as using that area. I've seen alot of circumstances where after an area is immobilized for an extended period , the pain has less to do with the original injury and more to moving the muscles /tendons, etc for the first time in a long time.

I'm sorry about your relatives health and wish you the best

Actually, this doctor is the only one who's had a clue. In the first 6 months, I saw 2 other orthopedic surgeons who both said, "I don't know what's wrong with you or how to help you." This doctor (at UCLA Cerbral Palsy Center) diagnosed me with a muscle tear in 2 minutes (with the same information the other guys had!)

Thanks for the good wishes!
I cannot believe it has taken ten months to let you test it. I am hoping for the best for you.
Thing are looking good! I went for a 2 1/2 mile walk on Thursday & stretched & trained today & pain! Since my whole leg from the knee down was in the boot, I'm cautious to not pull something else, but I'm feeling good about it!

I'm VERY out of shape, but I'm excited to get back to ALL of my training ASAP.

Thanks for your support & encouragement!
Goog luck with that brother. I will be praying for you and yours.
wishing you the best for your family and your medical issue, sir! I happen to be under similar circumstances. Like my Grandmother used to tell me "this soon will pass."
when it rains, it pours.

keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

(and for the leg, do some swimming!)
Best wishes for your family. You might want to try taking flax oil it helps with muscle recovery/damage. Body builders use it to rebuild damaged muscles quicker. Also increasing your intake of vegetables should help.
Good luck with your recovery and with the training. Keep on taking it steady and do a little more each time and hopefully it will be back to full strength and health in no time.

Best wishes to you also for your difficult situation with your family members. You're in my thoughts and prayers and I wish your Grandmother and your Father-in-Law a full and swift recovery.
I add my words to the above also.

Long term physical injury is tough on the psyche as well as the body. Add in the extra stress from illness in the family and it makes it all the more difficult to deal with.

Fingers crossed that your own hurts are healed and positive thoughts for the health of your relations.
Tpm I am glad everything is working out for you, you deserve to have things start to turn around.
I want to tell you how well I'm doing, now. It's been a month since the injection, & I feel great!

I really wanted to to get back to running & full workouts, so I made a 5am physical therapy appointment. I think I really threw the guy off because I said, "I'll do anything you want me to do at home, so I'll only come weekly." As a Judo guy, he appreciated the drive of a fellow MAist & gave me a bunch of exercises to do. I've been doing them every day. He figures I'll be back to my full runs in 3 months.

Thanks so much for your prayers & encouragement!!!!