Injury help


White Belt
HI all,

Im currently doing KENPO and MMA however recently my wrist hurts and im getting shooting pains down my forearm.

Ive seen the doctor he seems to think i have tennis elbow but how i do not know.

When ever i try to lift anything with palm facing down and try to grip hard the wrist and forearm is agony. Which has now stopped me training.

I dnt remember damaging it that bad however i did it a bag awkwardly a while ago and fell on it as well awkwardly but no severe pain at the time.

Has anyone had similar injury or any ideas how to speed up recovery. the doctor just said it will go over time.. Its been 2 months now with no improvement..

thanks in advance
Yes and it took about two weeks to get better, what I did was jam the wrist joint, but your doctor said tennis elbow.
I'll periodically get the same condition, especially if I'm upping the amount of weight lifting I'm doing. The doctors will tell you to stop training until it gets better, but who the hell can do that? I've found that tightly wrapping the elbow really helps. I used the tight fitting neoprene elbow supports you can find at most sporting good stores. Doing this, warming up the elbows VERY well before workouts, and backing off the exercises that put lots of stress on the elbows will allow you to continue training and get better at the same time.

Hope this helps!
Doc said it is tennis elbow. Seems kind of likely that it is tennis elbow then, which is a repetitive stress or overuse injury. I'd seriously consider following the doctor's advice...

You may have aggravated the developing injury with a poorly performed strike. No matter what, it seems like the wisest approach is to rest the injured body part for a bit. There are many ways to train and practice that will minimize the stress on the joint for a few weeks, like doing forms/kata and shadowboxing instead of bag work.
What he said.

While I've not had tennis elbow...I've had plenty of other injuries.

EVERY time I've tried to rush through healing or traint hrough injury...I've ALWAYS made things worse. Conversely, when i listened to my doctors and tooke the time to heal up. I always get better.

My lingering pains can be traced back to "toughing" through it. My longest layoffs have generally been because I rushed through things instead of healing up.

It's hard to back off and slow down but it really is the best thing to do. Unless you are under contract to fihgt or something...there is no reason to train hurt and every reason to take it easy so you can continue training well into old age :)

I guess my concern, is i cannot see how tennis elbow can be caused by a wrist injury. The pain seems to shoot down the forearm from the wrist and never rarely to the elbow. Unless trying to perform backfists which the pain is to much to do.

I find it a real pain as im going for my 1st dan brown grading and really need to go for it in a few weeks time.

So im trying to speed up recovery, with no luck. Arghhh.. So frustrating lol

I dnt really want to miss the grading as the next one wont be for another 6 months and if i pass i could be looking at Black belt towards xmas next year.

Thank you for all your comments so far. Ill go and get an elbow strap as well see how it goes
I guess my concern, is i cannot see how tennis elbow can be caused by a wrist injury. The pain seems to shoot down the forearm from the wrist and never rarely to the elbow. Unless trying to perform backfists which the pain is to much to do.

I find it a real pain as im going for my 1st dan brown grading and really need to go for it in a few weeks time.

So im trying to speed up recovery, with no luck. Arghhh.. So frustrating lol

I dnt really want to miss the grading as the next one wont be for another 6 months and if i pass i could be looking at Black belt towards xmas next year.

Thank you for all your comments so far. Ill go and get an elbow strap as well see how it goes

I'd really encourage to rest & to find answers from your doctors. If one answer or treatment doesn't make sense, find one that works. As annoying as it is to be away from training for awhile. Not being able to train because of rushing recovery or insufficient treatment is far worse.

I wish you the best in your recovery.
You need to see a doctor and get an X-ray or better yet, a CT or MRI or something. I had what was supposed to be carpal tunnel or golf elbow (hurt my arm at the driving range and after doing some 'bear hug' defense training in martial arts) and it turned out to be a benign (luckily for me) bone tumour in my arm which they only discovered when I had a pathological fracture. Only then did they finally decide to use diagnostic imaging and find out the real problem. It is fine today but it took reconstructive surgery (titanium, cement, etc.) and years of rehab which would have been much shorter if they'd caught it sooner before it was so big that I broke my arm just leaning on it. I don't want to scare you and hope you don't have anything that bad (or worse) but if you have 'tennis elbow' for more than a couple of weeks I think you really need to see a specialist to find out the real problem. Perhaps it is a hairline fracture or something and you just need a brace or a cast to stabilize it for a few weeks? A high res medical image will show that.

Good luck and I hope it is better soon!

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