Information on Dr. Gyi???

Surely there are Bando traditions other than his? That's certainly so of Bando kickboxing, at least.
arnisador said:
Surely there are Bando traditions other than his? That's certainly so of Bando kickboxing, at least.
Yes sir, Bando Kickboxing has seen some success outside of the ABA, but with the exception of a completely unrelated organization back east (in New Jersey I believe) - in other words, one with which I have had no training in- there is currently no existing body or organization providing a framework or structure for Bando in America. There have been attempts in the past to create one, but it's never worked out. If I were to start a school, for example, I would be teaching what I learned from the ABA, but would not be allowed to participate in or have my students rank recognized by the ABA organization.

It has still crossed my mind more than once to do it anyway... God I hate politics...
WMAA said:
I’m confused. Does this article defend or damn Dr. Gyi? It shows him teaching the Rangers. Wouldn’t the military do a background check before doing this?

no they would not. as a few posts above will confirm, a guest instructor would not be required to submit an SF 86. the SF 86 is the Security Clearance Questionaire submitted to the Office of Personnel Management and Security, who in turn is tasked with background checks and granting security clearances. back after i first came into the service, i was attached to an infantry battalion and was brushing up on our CTT and common soldier skills, one of which is force protection/riot prevention. the instructor for the course was a retired police officer nobody had ever heard of. all he was required to do was submit some form of verification to the S-2/3 operations and training office stating he was versed in that area. they don't check into it. they take it for face value. suffice to say, virtually anyone can become a guest instructor for the military. just because Gyi did a couple weekend seminars for the Army doesn't make him legit.

i'm sorry, there is just entirely too much negative speculation to just say "give him the benefit of the doubt". call a spade, a spade. anyone here familiar with the phrase, "the appearance of evil"...? it wouldn't appear so.
T Hartman said:

This is among the first splits from the ABA after all of this stuff started. They are primarily a "seminar" style organization, and as far as I know, do excellent work. However, they are not what one could call a nationwide organization. In fact they are located in Ohio where they teach a yearly seminar schedule as well as weekend kickboxing camps and the like. Again, everything I have heard about them is good, but I'm located on the west coast. There are five ABA Bando black belts out here to my knowledge, and only one of us teaches currently - he owns a TKD school and offers Bando training to a few Adult members.
Thats the same guy who posted a letter regarding Dr. Gyi to the POW Network. He appears to be a disillusioned practitioner who broke off from the ABA and started his own association.
tradrockrat said:
This is among the first splits from the ABA after all of this stuff started. They are primarily a "seminar" style organization, and as far as I know, do excellent work. However, they are not what one could call a nationwide organization. In fact they are located in Ohio where they teach a yearly seminar schedule as well as weekend kickboxing camps and the like. Again, everything I have heard about them is good, but I'm located on the west coast. There are five ABA Bando black belts out here to my knowledge, and only one of us teaches currently - he owns a TKD school and offers Bando training to a few Adult members.
So there is nothing stopping you from doing the same. No one can take away what you have learned. Can anyone stop you from teaching? And if the ABA doesn't recognize what you're doing is that important to you? If you just want to train do you have to be a member of the ABA? I have a Bando study group at my school. I'm neither ranked nor am I a member of the ABA. All of my Bando training comes directly from Gyi. He knows what I do in my school and doesn’t make any attempts to interfere. Is there anything stopping you from doing the same(minus the training with Gyi, knowing the way you feel)?

T Hartman said:
So there is nothing stopping you from doing the same. No one can take away what you have learned. Can anyone stop you from teaching? And if the ABA doesn't recognize what you're doing is that important to you? If you just want to train do you have to be a member of the ABA? I have a Bando study group at my school. I'm neither ranked nor am I a member of the ABA. All of my Bando training comes directly from Gyi. He knows what I do in my school and doesn’t make any attempts to interfere. Is there anything stopping you from doing the same(minus the training with Gyi, knowing the way you feel)?

Honestly? No, there is nothing to stop me except the inevitable condemnation of the ABA - not an issue to me, I could care less - and the potential for still being assosciated with the controversy because I am teaching the same techniques and forms.

Seriously, I have been contemplating opening a school for several years now, but I would want to find a structured organization that would both welcome my students into competitions, and actually understand what it was that they were doing during said competition. I need to look into that. I would also need to restructure the training for younger students.

EDIT: There is one serious issue. I refused a 2nd level blackbelt when I walked away, and while they can never take my 1st level away from me, many peope in the martial art community would have a real issue with a first level blackbelt opening a school (I was ranked fourth in the East West Martial Arts Alliance, but they are defunct.). Despite the fact that I "unofficially" know more Bando than most higher belts, I would never "promote myself" another level or two. Just can't do that.
Tgace said:

I note that in 1972 there were no personal claims of military service...when did that start? Trad?

Well, that article specifically states that Gyi was in America and in school during the same time he claimed to have been in Vietnam - the late 60's.

In the late 70's, Gyi spread several stories about his Vietnam experiences to students who stayed at his farm to train. I don't talk about them because I wasn't there, and it's their word against his. The first MAJOR blow up about Gyi's character happened in 1980. I was there (not actually there at the confrontation, but "there" as in involved with the people who were at odds with each other), but I was 8 years old - I didn't understand any of it.
tradrockrat said:
Honestly? No, there is nothing to stop me except the inevitable condemnation of the ABA - not an issue to me, I could care less - and the potential for still being assosciated with the controversy because I am teaching the same techniques and forms.

Seriously, I have been contemplating opening a school for several years now, but I would want to find a structured organization that would both welcome my students into competitions, and actually understand what it was that they were doing during said competition. I need to look into that. I would also need to restructure the training for younger students.

EDIT: There is one serious issue. I refused a 2nd level blackbelt when I walked away, and while they can never take my 1st level away from me, many peope in the martial art community would have a real issue with a first level blackbelt opening a school (I was ranked fourth in the East West Martial Arts Alliance, but they are defunct.). Despite the fact that I "unofficially" know more Bando than most higher belts, I would never "promote myself" another level or two. Just can't do that.
If you choose to open a school, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I've taught full time since 2000. I've learn a lot through trial and error. I've done plenty of both!
tradrockrat said:
Well, that article specifically states that Gyi was in America and in school during the same time he claimed to have been in Vietnam - the late 60's.

In the late 70's, Gyi spread several stories about his Vietnam experiences to students who stayed at his farm to train. I don't talk about them because I wasn't there, and it's their word against his. The first MAJOR blow up about Gyi's character happened in 1980. I was there (not actually there at the confrontation, but "there" as in involved with the people who were at odds with each other), but I was 8 years old - I didn't understand any of it.

i agree, according to the article, he had a lot going on from 1951 thru the late '70s. with college, martial arts, and training for the olympics, hardly enough time to fight several wars on multiple continents. also noteworthy to state it said "his injuries forced him to quit the military corps in 1952."
Tgace said:
This is disgusting, as it has been verified that he NEVER SERVED IN THE U.S. ARMED FORCES.

Personally, I don't blame Bando practitioners for this. Many (most?) of them have been victims of deceit. Previous to this, I had considered the possibility (as an impartial observer) that his claims may have been made by others and that his WW2 "experience" was very possible as record keeping in the areas mentioned were scant. True the U.S. does keep excellent records, but foreign armies, particularly in occuppied areas, often do not and cannot. However, he is wearing medals in this picture for which he would not be eligible for as it has been documented that he never served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

I am sorry for the individuals who have been deceived, and I would NOT hesitate to take a workshop or class from one of them - provided, of course, that they did not say that their art was "refined in battle by Dr. Giyi, a decorated war hero", etc.
Wish I could ID them...Im rusty on ribbons.
Spelling Bee champion?
1,000's customer at "Medals R Us"?

Ok, seriously, are those legit?
Although if they are WWII or Korean vintage they may not be there...Ill have to search for older ribbons. And they may very well be British...
How hard is it to just hit a AN store and buy them? I know I have some kicking around when I did a generals costume years ago. Would "joe-public" know the difference?