What are the most noticed/recognized forms of Tracy Kenpo? (Ive heard evertyhing from Tai Chi to animals)
Also (even though is depends on the school) what is sparring like in a Kenpo school.
And in Kenpo tournaments, what are the usual rules?
I don't think you can say there are "recognized forms" of Tracy Kenpo. It is at heart an early Parker Kenpo with added elements from Chinese and Japanese sources. Individual instructors may have modified the curricullums, but if it advertised "Tracy Kenpo" at heart it will be very very similar to each other.
Sparring at our school ranges from light touch with our beginners to full contact with our intermediate and advanced students. It can go to the ground, but that certainly isn't the emphasis.
I hate to say it, but most "kenpo tournaments" (and those are few and far between) are usually point.