Infinite Insights Vols


MTS Alumni
Hey all,
I'm hoping someone can help me out. I teach part-time at a local college. I wanted to make SGM Parker's Infinite Insights Vol1 a required text for my classes. When I took it to the secretary she told me it was out of print. Does anyone know where I can get in touch with someone to get 100 copies or more a year ordered? The school bookstore would be doing the ordering, not me.
Check with Ed Parker's Karate Studio in Pasadena... the phone number is (626) 792-6408, ask for Mr. Kongaika... he is the Head instructor of the studio (and also Mrs. Parker's son in law). If anyone should be able to help you with this, he's the man.

Tell him Billy Lear sent you.

Peace... :asian:
I was going to say the same thing. You can call the IKKA headquarter too. They could help as well.

Yours in Kenpo,
Bill Smith - AKKI
I like your web site. It's very professional, easy to navigate, and clean. Very Nice.

Billy Lear, 3rd Degree Brown Belt
United Kenpo Systems
Couldn't be, I just got mine from Kenponet just 3 months back!:eek:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

call me........

Um, That's not a phone number:confused:
I appreciate it guys. I had a less than favorable experience, a few of them, with the "Main Office". That's why I was asking about other sources. Like I said this is a college bookstore, so I would be needing for them to be able to buy in quantity, like a 100 per year. gd7, if you want to off list me your number, I'll call. I will also check the website you mentioned. The secretary at school tried Amazon and it told her, out of print and she checked no further.
Take a look at the mall at and see if there is someone you can e-mail and find out about big orders like that.

With saying they are out of print though you might be able to only get them at the IKKA headquarters. :(
