Breathing Techniques

Dominic Jones

Orange Belt
Breath in, breath out, keep repeating! :D

I was re-reading Infinite insights (vol 4) where SGM Parker was talking about the importance of proper breathing. He went on to describe the internal and external schools of thought on breathing.

Does anybody have more information on breathing techniques, and excerises to "improve" breathing?

In the past I have been shown breathing sets/forms by my instructors at the BKKU. But stupid me...I forgot to write them down or practice them so i lost that knowledge. Hopefully next time i meet my instructors they`ll help me out.

I do practice the Book Set which involves specific breathing patterns , and experiment with different breathing patterns during the execution of techniques and sets.

I reckon breathing is a huge area of martial arts that I`m interested in and hence the question.

Cheers Dom

I've found breathing excercises to be a more integral part of traditional Chinese and Japanese Martial Art training than in American Kenpo.

One excercise I've done is to work on deep breathing, which will expand the volume you can inhale and exhale. The average person only uses a fraction of their lung capacity. If you're a runner, or just starting, you know what I mean. Over time, your lungs become able to hold more air.

Deep breathing, in combination with meditation is seen everwhere from Yoga to Tai-Chi to Aikido. They must be on to something;)

In Aikido, or the Aiki-arts, there is a term known as Breath Power. They believe that all power is generated from your "center", and techniques in combination with proper breathing produce dynamic throws.
In Neijia (Chinese Internal Martial Arts) a lot of the 'standing' methods (qi gong / meditation) are designed to increase 'chi' (I read this as blood circulation and oxygen flow in the body) and connect your tissues and body in order to develop the 'ground path' as it is used in these MA. I.e. developing a connection to the ground where you can issue energy by pushing off 'mother earth' (this is a simplified explanation).

A couple of my teachers shared that one should not focus on breath so much during the execution of technique as the body will know what to do provided you have been practicing your 'standing' exercises.

In thru the nose for a count of 5 (expand the lungs as much as possible)...

then out the mouth slowly to a count of 10 - 15

repeat 25 times twice to three times daily

By Golden Dragon
In thru the nose for a count of 5 (expand the lungs as much as possible) then out the mouth slowly to a count of 10 - 15 repeat 25 times twice to three times daily

I was wondering why the exhale is longer than the inhale?

Any thoughts?

Orig. posted by Dominic Jones
I was wondering why the exhale is longer than the inhale? Any thoughts? :asian:

To expand the lung capacity quickly then regulate and hold the air in so as to develop a long lasting and pressure release capability for greater endurance as well.

Any reason why inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth? What's wrong with doing the opposite direction? (in mouth out nose)? What is the underlying theory other than lung capacity?

- Ceicei
Originally posted by Ceicei
Any reason why inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth? What's wrong with doing the opposite direction? (in mouth out nose)? What is the underlying theory other than lung capacity?
- Ceicei

The nose was designed to filter the air we breath with the cilia that lines it, thus we need to inhale thru the nose.
Upon exhaling, there is body heat and vapor (moisture) given out, of which is needed in the mouth as well as offering a larger exhale port for the "bad air".

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
The nose was designed to filter the air we breath with the cilia that lines it, thus we need to inhale thru the nose.
Upon exhaling, there is body heat and vapor (moisture) given out, of which is needed in the mouth as well as offering a larger exhale port for the "bad air".


Alright. That makes sense to me. Thank you.

- Ceicei

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