Individualistic Memory Processes

... oh, I mean "wreck that you had". I gotta leave it on a light note. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger on the memory issue. I can be that way and I don't get to blame it on "head trauma", just a "Senior Moment."

For me, picking up techniques is easy. I just watch the instructor demonstrate, then I can imitate what I see--including power, stances, targets, point of origin, etc.

Being deaf, I have to rely on visual means.

When teaching forms/katas, the instructors typically call out the steps while demonstrating--this doesn't work for me as I cannot hear them. If I need to do the whole thing, I have to READ first how it is written (ie. step by step technical), then I can do it. However, if I don't have the paper for the forms/katas, then the best way is to have them be broken up in short segments and demonstrated to me. I can practice and remember it better.

- Ceicei
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I tend to get dyslexic too which I never had any problem with before the accident.. I'll be doing a form and Thinking it's my left foot I'm stepping back with and next thing I know.. I'm doing opposite sides~!!

I have a very similar problem, dislalic (don't ask me the difference though). What I do usually is learn the movements without adding them tags. I just go, after this (put move and step here, but in your imagination) I have to do this other (again, visualize the next step).

That is, I try to visualize instead of abstract thinking. And I don't give directions anymore by saying turn right, but by signaling due to this same problem. We've gotten lost because of the driver just hearing the indication and not seeing the arm :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Michael Billings
... oh, I mean "wreck that you had". I gotta leave it on a light note. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger on the memory issue. I can be that way and I don't get to blame it on "head trauma", just a "Senior Moment."


hahaa I think you were right the first time Michael ;)

And I'm not gonna give into Senior moments ~!! :rofl:
Originally posted by Michael Billings
... oh, I mean "wreck that you had". I gotta leave it on a light note. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger on the memory issue. I can be that way and I don't get to blame it on "head trauma", just a "Senior Moment."


Hey. I don't even get the "senior moment" excuse. ;)

I just kill all the butterflies :EG:

I imagine all the butterflies flittering around inside me, and then I press them all to the floor nice and flat. I hold them there like they're stuck under a sheet of glass. After a few seconds I let up, and If any are still flittering I do it again till they stop. :D

When I have to perform I never think about actually being up in front. I watch and enjoy others. When it's my turn I do the butterfly trick.

*feeling bad for the butterflies* *G* How's bout skeeters.. I don't like them~!!

I don't know bout that visualization process Don.. I have such a vivid imagination that I would be so involved in the insect massacre that I would forget everything I was supposed to be doing :D

Interesting formula you have there I must say ~! heheee :)

It gets rid of my nerveousness during tournys. I would feel bad for the little guys, but they dont leave when I ask them to!

Originally posted by don bohrer

It gets rid of my nerveousness during tournys. I would feel bad for the little guys, but they dont leave when I ask them to!


Don *G* if only they would obey ~!! Glad it works for you~!

I think after the IKC I'm cured of performance anxiety.. before the tourny.. I would get all flustered just getting up in front of Mr. C . but Last night. Piece of cake *G* Yay for me~!!
Well- I sometimes have memory issues as well!! I always joke that maybe part of my brain came out when I had my son cuz my memory seems to be worse since then............but maybe it is that I am getting older too........or that I've hit 30 now and more 20's!!

It doesn't help that I have had to re-learn things a few times due to instructors leaving, me moving, etc. I have really found out what things are ingrained now by what I retain while away though. The material thru about blue or green always remains pretty is the later stuff that goes..........which is weird cuz I learned that more recently.......but then again, I have been doing the other stuff a lot longer!!

Anyway, I am in the process of re-learning some things again right now..........and trying to be humble in class as I can't keep up with those at my same rank right now during group katas.

I think it's true that by doing the things over and over, they become more a part of you in the long term and stay with you even if you haven't practiced them for a long time.

Just my two cents.........hope some of it made sense.

:asian: :karate: