Marginal said:
Ah. So then they don't bother kicking at all 'cause they have developed a perfect defense. Gotcha. No, wait... That's an utterly retarded position to adopt.
What the heck are you talking about dude?? Where did I say that they don't bother to kick?? As for the defense, you stated in post #10 that the Thai fighters throw the same kick as TKD and that the Thai fighters have a problem defending side kicks. It was said by me and A. Green in post #20 that the side and front kicks are coming in from the same angle. Therefore, its going to be the same defense.
*Sigh* I've seen MT kicks. I've done MT kicks. I'm familiar with both motions.
And I as well. If you fail to see a difference, well sir, I'm afraid I can't help you. While I have not trained in TKD, I have seen TKD kicks, and I have trained with guys who have done TKD.
You don't seem to get what I'm saying. I'm not saying that MT kicks are less powerful, or that more is better/worse. I'm simply refusing to dismiss all of TKD's kicks out of hand like you are. (Which seems a silly position to take regardless since you claim to not know anything about TKD... Do you or don't you?)
Well, unless I missed it, please go back and show me where I said that TKD kicks, Shotokan, etc. were not effective. I simply said that you're going to get better power. I don't know about you, but if I'm going to throw something, I want it to be as powerful as it can be. That being said, if I was going to kick, and had the choice between throwing a kick with Kenpo concepts or Thai concepts, I'll choose Thai.
Well, that's nice to say, especially when I said the same dahaym thing the post before (I just looove thise gritty "hard truths" that are supposed to utterly blindside me... *Sigh*) but come on. This is silly. Now TKD kicks are totally ineffective too? Poor Cal Worsham...
Unfortuantely, yes, we have had these 'talks' before, and as usual, it goes nowhere. I'm gald to see things havent changed! :ultracool If you look at post #9, you'll see that I said this:
While I am not disputing that TKD has some good kicks
In post #10 you said this:
Their front kick's exactly the same
Now, if you have done both, as you claim, you would see the difference.
In #12, I said this:
One difference is that there is not a snappy motion that you find in most karate style kicks. I'm curious, what is the problem that they have with the side kicks?
Keep in mind, like anything, it all comes down to quality over quantity. Just because there may be more kicks in TKD than MT, does not mean that the TKD guy is a better fighter.
If you'll notice, again, I'm simply trying to point out a difference between the 2 kicking styles. You also made ref. that the MT arsenal is limited, almost as if to say that due to that, the TKD fighter would stand a better chance. Again, as a few of us have said, its quality of quantity my friend.
As for Cal Worsham...IMO, I was not impressed at all with that fight with Paul. Very sloppy from both fighters. In addition, considering that TKD has a much more vast arsenal of kicks, what happened to all of them?? I didnt see any spinning back kicks, or jump spinning 360 degree kicks. As for his punching, again, that was poor too. Now, before you say, "Well, if you think you can do better, go do it!" let me say that I have no desire to enter a UFC type event. I do know a few people that enter them on a reg. basis and do pretty well. These events are not the UFC, but more like NAGA.
As for the quote that was supposed to blindside you..

... was simply posting that to show that it is known that you'll get more power without the snap. Can I throw a snappy RH and get results? Yup. Can I do the same with the shin? Yup.
You'll also notice in post #21, in a reply to TW, I said this.
Well, everyone is going to have their likes and dislikes. I guess what it comes down to, is whatever works for the individual.
On that note, thank you for the conversation. :asian: I also will say, that it has never been my intention to change anyones training. I never said, screw TKD and go do Kenpo. Screw TKD and do BJJ. I'm simply pointing out the different ways that people train. Keeping an open mind, possibly taking someting from someone else and adding to the bag of tricks...those were my intentions. :asian: