In defense of others using a sword

And it's this example that gives MAists a 'bad name'. There's an old (Mahayana/Tibetan) saying: 'those attracted to XXX are probably the least suited to it.'

It's bad enough, the snickers and roll-eyes I will get when I'm asked about martial arts. Try discussing 'kobudo'.

More than a little unstable in my opinion! I don't keep mine locked away, but they sit in a rack, not at the bedside! However, I've met a lot of that type of martial artist. These are the ones that do martial arts so others will call them "sensei", and they can tell people about how their hands and feet are registered as "deadly weapons". These types introduce themselves as "master" and will get belligerent if you're unimpressed. They'll also take a "menacing pose" with their "samurai sword" for the media. :) A fellow did a video interview of me a number of years back for the Dallas Morning News. He asked me to do a "menacing pose" with my sword, and I told him I wasn't going to do that.

Of course, this is all just gossip and supposition on my part as I've never met the fellow.

Suffice it to say, 'No'; I would not defend another using a sword - unless there was blood on the ground, probably another bladed weapon in use, and death was certain. I think those that don't understand this have probably never faced or used a bladed weapon in a life/death situation.

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