Importance of Body Structure


Green Belt
Julius is a good friend of mine and what makes him great for this video is that he is not a Wing Chun guy, on the contrary, he is a "brawler" and a grappler, aggressive and very very athletic.

I asked him to join us for the video because so many wing chun videos out there are just the opposite, where the instructor is the "big guy" and the person he demonstrates on is usually shorter/weaker than themselves. So it's easy of course to "out muscle" and "out speed" them for the video.

I wanted to do just the opposite, i wanted someone who doesn't care what his "movements" look like and has an attitude of "i'm going to knock your head off, any way i can", because these are the kinds of fighters that you are going to get into an altercation with.

you can view the video here...
Jin, I really enjoy checking out your videos, but I can't seem to play any of the "vimeo" ones. The Youtube videos work fine, but on "vimeo" all I get is broken audio and freeze-frame pictures. Now I'm a geezer and not all that computer savvy, so it may just be something stupid I'm not doing... but has anyone else had this problem???
hmm..the vimeo player has had bugs in the past, but i'm pretty sure it's working fine now. i haven't had anyone tell me of any technical problems with the vimeo vids.

vimeo is a much higher resolution and quality player than the youtube one, so it could be your video card, if you have an older computer.

i will address this at my website and see if anyone else is having the same problem. sorry, bro! =(

Can't wait to check out the video! Thanks much for posting!
Geezer, It works fine for me, you must be missing a file extension or need to update your flash player, I would check in to downloading the newest available flash player, or perhaps getting a divx plug in for your web browser. Hope that helps, PM me if not and I can get a bit more in depth.
Jin, I really enjoy checking out your videos, but I can't seem to play any of the "vimeo" ones. The Youtube videos work fine, but on "vimeo" all I get is broken audio and freeze-frame pictures. Now I'm a geezer and not all that computer savvy, so it may just be something stupid I'm not doing... but has anyone else had this problem???
Plays like absolute crap on my Windows xp but plays perfectly on my Mac OS. Interesting video! Thankyou. :asian:
Nice video. You made me search Wing Chun in my area, but sadly there are no schools. I WILL learn this art one day, though. =]

Nice video. You made me search Wing Chun in my area, but sadly there are no schools. I WILL learn this art one day, though. =]

yea, i know what you mean, that's the reason i moved many years ago to southern California, because my small hometown had only one karate school! so i understand. i also like your attitude! =D

Nice video, your presentation on the principles of structure and it's relationship to fighting are very good.
Groovy video! Watching that video I was reminded that I was taught to "over shift" to deflect a stronger opponent.

Always keep your centerline on the opponent.
But, skew off theirs asap too. :)

Man, he's a big dude! I miss training with strong guys like that. they're always "heavy in the arms" so to speak and practically make you be "light" like a bird. (as you said)
Must be done, otherwise you hurt yourself more than they hurt you.

But, new Sifu is gonna "fix" my boxing. :) Oh, yeah. ... don't forget the legs now. ;)
A girls best friend, especially on a big guy like that.
But, Sifu doesn't want me kicking right now. lol! focus on hands too much.

Honestly, if a big boxer dude like that jabbed at me, one of my first moves would be heel kick with a wee bit of a pac sau, and then see what happens from there. He's got a wicked reach! ouch! My leg might be as long as his arm. lol!

Great video boxer, great school too! keep posting!