Impeach President Bush?

Dear Mr. Crawford:

Boy, was that ever a crock.

First off, if you're talking about Hubert Horatio Humphrey, he was a Democrat.

Second: claiming that the "benches are full of Clinton appointees," is utter nonsense. Among other things, a Republican Senate blocked many of his appointees.

Third. Dick Nixon can be heard, ON TAPE, ordering lies and coverups, screaming about Jews, and a long list of other things. You might also want to actually take a look at what the House Judiciary Committee had to say about him. Oh yes...his VP, Spiro Agnew, plea-bargained his way out of office and out of jail, after getting caught sitting in his office and taking envelopes full of cash for awarding contracts back in Maryland.

Fourth--Trent Lott was edged from office for blowing smoke up the *** of arguably the single biggest racist ever to disgrace the floor of the Senate...a man who, incidentally, had illegitimate children with a black woman, whose bed he left to push racist bills, red-bait, and generally lecture America about its declining morality. A charming guy, really, not even equalled by the clown they're running against Obate in Ohio.

Fifth--Newt Gingrich, after a series of improprieties, lost his position as Speaker because he wasn't effective enough for his constituents any more.

Sixth: I see you left out the Republican gov. of Connecticut, as well as sweeties like Henry Hyde, the well-known pro-life militant who drove his girlfriend to get an abortion, then claimed he, "was young and made a mistake," when he got caught. Senator Hyde was 40 at the time. I see you also left out some of our current President's sweetheart deals in Texas, including the Curious Affair of jacking up local taxes to buy a baseball stadium for the Rangers, which he and his buddies promptly bought. The President made 14-plus million on an investment of 600,000...which initial sum he borrowed at sweetheart rates.

Seventh: Republicans will police their own? That's HILARIOUS, dude. Among my home towns is Providence, RI...I suggest you look into the career of Buddy Cianci, which gave the seconding speech for Gerald Ford at the '76 Convention. Or perhaps you might spend a happy afternoon with a good book on the history of Nevada and Las Vegas.

Eighth: by all means, hack into Democrats. There's the current gov of Jersey; there's Mayor Daley. There's Zell Miller. But also, do try to keep the "facts," somewhere in the Solaar System, won't you?

Oh long as we're being sentimental and weepy over Trent Lott's merely trying to keep an old man happy on his special day, nice move on the slander about President Clinton while the man's getting his chest cracked in New York.

I guess manners aren't a Republican value any more.
well...i'll give this to the bush adminstration...the earth has not yet crashed into the sun....

two months out from a huge election...things are gonna be charged...personally, i have nothing with views don't line up with his so i won't vote for him...i have friends in the military that hate his guts...and some that are his die-hard supporters

i don't believe his justification for the war in iraq for a second...but the question comes down to did he know...or were other people playing him for their own agenda's

both are scary, in my opinion, on the one hand we have a president that willingly distorted the truth and outright lied and over a thousand lives have been the result...on the other hand we have a president that's so inept that he was easily manipulated into this whole fiasco by those that surroundhim
I have lots of comments, but am going to start with:

Trent Lott-forced to resign over making a stupid statement to make an old man feel good on his birthday.
Sure he tried to make someone feel good - about "Segregation Forever!"

That's something we all should have learned from by now.

It wasn't just that one statement, although that triggered a closer look at a deep-seated streak of racism in the party. It may not be that big of a deal to white voters, but believe me, black people are none too pleased about these kinds of statements, and find them much more difficult to just brush off.
I am utterly baffled by repeated references to Bill Clinton when discussing the coming election and voting decisions. Bill Clinton has been out of office for 4 years. Bill Clinton is not running for any office. Despite what the radical right would like you to believe, this is not about Clinton. For 4 years, President George W. Bush has had a Republican administration, Republican Senate, Republican House, and a Conservative judiciary. He has had free reign to accomplish his agenda--and he has. The past 4 years have been the Bush/Cheney show.

I agree with Bignick. We should impeach Bush in November.
If it was up to me, Bush would have been impeached some time ago....oh well, I hope it happends this november.

Better late then never.

Um, actually Robertson, you are the one holding the proverbial crock here.

Clinton's dream was to fill the benches with liberal fanatics like himself, appointing 2 to the Supreme court and at least 14 of the 28 or so 9th Circuit judges. The 9th Circuit covers Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.

If we are going to talk numbers, which you blather on about in retort to someone's factual arguements, I'm sure that will help you understand the "crock" you read.
Kane said:
I read some of it. It just seems to me that many bush-haters on this board like to dig up trash on their own president and talk garbage about him.

I said the very same thing five years ago with Clinton. Did you do so back then as well?

Now, on that note, Clinton lied about a soiree with an intern and was impeached for it. This was during an investigation concerning alleged improprieties over the Whitewater scandal. No damning information was found from that investigation that could be used against the Clintons BUT when asked if he had an affair with Monica...Billy boy lied. Ken Starr decided this was worth pursuing, if nothing else.

We then tied up millions of dollars in impeaching him. Nothing came of it. to Bush...he is thus implicated:

He pushed corporate cronyism in appointing industry lobbyists to key positions in his administration in a blatant conflict of interest.

There were clear fabrications concerning information leading up to the war in Iraq. The "threat imminence" test was not met, and he thus sidestepped congressional directives.

Bush has never been called to account for his alleged securities fraud via "insider trading" in the 1980's.

He (and possibly someone in his chain of command) may have violated the articles of the articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice in not attending National Guard drills, regardless of his "honorable" discharge.

The list goes on and on. This administration LIES. Not just the President...the administration. Yet Bush himself sets a wonderful example of "moral clarity" in lying so casually, and so readily, it seems to be second nature. He simply and consistently says one thing and does the exact opposite.

See below references. Many web sites have chronicled this man's duplicity. Punch "Bush lies" into Google and you'll get a gaggle. A Google gaggle, no less.

If we fry a President for lying about sex with an intern, ought we not AT LEAST call to question a President who has had so many allegations of deceit brought to bear that bookshelves are filled with them?

For the anti-Bushites, you might like some of these sites...they can be fun. I never expect the Bush supporters to look at them. The cognitive dissonance would leave them spinning.


MisterMike said:
Clinton's dream was to fill the benches with liberal fanatics like himself...
every politician tries to push their own agenda...but when it comes to party lines, people's's always the "other guys that are immoral, crazy nut-jobs...we're just trying to do what's best for the country..."

which is why i'm a registered independent...keep my options open, i'll vote for whoever i feel is best for this country, regardless of party...and right now, i see Bush as a threat to this countries continued well-being
bignick said:
every politician tries to push their own agenda...but when it comes to party lines, people's's always the "other guys that are immoral, crazy nut-jobs...we're just trying to do what's best for the country..."

which is why i'm a registered independent...keep my options open, i'll vote for whoever i feel is best for this country, regardless of party...and right now, i see Bush as a threat to this countries continued well-being

Agreed, but I think Clinton walked into a lot of agendas when he took office from a lot of the lobbyists and the like.

I'm stuck in the middle as well. Too bad there aren't more Libertarians. :asian:
I think it's reality being too close to 1984 that's the scary part. Much of what the current administration's done reminds me of that book; however, part of me wonders if maybe that's only because I just got out of undergrad and actually started paying attention to politics.

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