I'm tired of being the victim. I want to be a girl that can defend myself!

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Having seen a few vids lately of U.S. Police officers body slamming young women for among other thinks contesting the price of a plastic spoon, I have no trouble believing her account,

You don't have problems thinking that about any police. :rolleyes:
Hi, im starting to explore martial arts. I remember when the movie The Karate Kid taught people that anyone could defend themselves from bullies.

A few months ago i was attacked by 5 guys on a bridge in the middle of the night (and this wasn't the first time in my life I've been attacked). They used these things called Kubotans on me. They spent over a half hour torturing me. I googled and found out its some type of martial arts weapon. I spent weeks trying to heal after the attack. I laid in bed thinking about how unfair it was. 5 against 1. I had absolutely no training for this. nobody would help me. I'm all alone in this world. And if people want to beat me up im powerless to stop them, anyone can just beat me up ( because this has happened to me before). why even try. And then today i watched The Karate Kid movie again. And i'm wondering, can anyone really learn to defend themselves with martial arts? Even up the playing field a bit? Even a girl?

I have looked up local "karate studios" and stuff like that but they want all this money and promise gimicks. you know give us an extra $50 bucks and we'll upgrade you to black belt...after one class!? That sounds like a joke? I thought you got a black belt for skills and training not money? Is it possible to find instruction for someone who's serious about this stuff, without buying into gimmicks? I really don't have a lot of money anyway. Can anyone help me? Does anyone have any advice?

Look for one of these: Good Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do, Sanda, MMA, Muay Thai, Other filipino arts
Um actually thats the problem, the guys that attacked me a few months ago were police officers...my parents and i went to the police dept afterward and requested documentation from that night, we filled out paperwork to get paperwork, the guy at the front desk said we'll get it in 7 days...its now been months, they don't seem to want to release it for some reason. they keep avoiding us. and like i said this isn't the first time this has happened to me...with police...among other abuse. I'm honestly scared to deal with them anymore or ever again. So id rather not say were im located if you know what i mean? I've been threatened by people before you know. And not the stay off my lawn kind of threats. Thats why i think i really need to know how to defend myself at this point.

Ah, so five police officers randomly followed you onto a deserted bridge in the middle of the night and tortured you for half an hour with kubotan? Ooooookkkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyy .....

Well yeah i did leave out some details that could probably get me killed like where i live, and what i know and stuff. I mean i also have a video i took of that night that i showed to a friend of mine who use to be a police officer, he's a very nice person. he explained to me all the illegal parts of what they did to me from a police perspective and said "omg did you send this to the news!!!" But im a little scared at this point to do anything too public till i understand all this stuff. I did talk to a lawyer but i think this particular lawyer was a little scared to take it on. theres a lot involved i guess. like when so many different types of laws are broken, you need a lot of education in multiple areas to handle a case this big i guess. i'm not a lawyer i wouldn't know. plus theres some other elements involved that are pretty scary like i said, but i really need to find a lawyer for that stuff because i don't know that much about this kind of stuff.

Ah, so you were able to record video of this random late night attack by five police officers who randomly followed you onto a random deserted bridge in the middle of the night and tortured you for half an hour with kubotan ... while you recorded them.
Ooooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyy .....

I don't exactly disbelieve you but I am cynical about aspects of the OP.
I'll say it for you Tez ... I think it's pure bollocks!
A lot of kids will make up stories like this when looking for attention. Unfortunately they don't usually have enough life experience to realize just how unbelievable their tale actually is.
Your first move for proper self defense is to come on back to the real world. Once you get here, then you can start checking out martial arts and what it may be able to do for you.
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One thing puzzles me...

To begin with there were 5 - that works out, 4 of them have a limb each and a lucky one gets the head, they could even rotate so they all get a go on the head.

If there's 6-7+, how did it work? Did the lower ranks have to share a limb or did they take turns?

I suppose half an hour is a long time to be swinging a kubotan, so a bit of a breather might be welcomed - maybe that explains it...
And that had to be some pretty wicked kubotan moves if she had to lie in bed for weeks healing from her injuries. :D
Hi, im starting to explore martial arts. I remember when the movie The Karate Kid taught people that anyone could defend themselves from bullies.

A few months ago i was attacked by 5 guys on a bridge in the middle of the night (and this wasn't the first time in my life I've been attacked). They used these things called Kubotans on me. They spent over a half hour torturing me. I googled and found out its some type of martial arts weapon. I spent weeks trying to heal after the attack. I laid in bed thinking about how unfair it was. 5 against 1. I had absolutely no training for this. nobody would help me. I'm all alone in this world. And if people want to beat me up im powerless to stop them, anyone can just beat me up ( because this has happened to me before). why even try. And then today i watched The Karate Kid movie again. And i'm wondering, can anyone really learn to defend themselves with martial arts? Even up the playing field a bit? Even a girl?

I have looked up local "karate studios" and stuff like that but they want all this money and promise gimicks. you know give us an extra $50 bucks and we'll upgrade you to black belt...after one class!? That sounds like a joke? I thought you got a black belt for skills and training not money? Is it possible to find instruction for someone who's serious about this stuff, without buying into gimmicks? I really don't have a lot of money anyway. Can anyone help me? Does anyone have any advice?

Yes, I have advice for you.

If you are going to lie, try to make it believable.
If you had that many men attacking one woman i'm afraid it wouldn't be a 'beating up', it would more likely be a sexual assault. It's very unlikely you would get that many police in one place just to beat up one female, i could see single or a pair of police officers roughing up someone who they felt had 'disrespected' them or who they feared were terrorists etc. For 5-7 male police officers to gather just to beat up a woman seems odd, for a lot of very prosaic reasons.
By the way. While we are happily on the dog pile. Not being a victim is as much a mentality as anything.

You may not be able to fight off five coppers and walk away. But if you are working towards something proactive then you are no longer the victim.

Which is the point.
While we are happily on the dog pile

There is no dog pile ( stupid expression all the same, means nought), you are fond of saying that but perhaps we are the victims of a joke in poor taste. Perhaps not but before anyone can actually give practical advice it's better that people be honest, not for us but for themselves.

Btw it wasn't 5 it was 6/7.
There is no dog pile ( stupid expression all the same, means nought), you are fond of saying that but perhaps we are the victims of a joke in poor taste. Perhaps not but before anyone can actually give practical advice it's better that people be honest, not for us but for themselves.

Btw it wasn't 5 it was 6/7.

Are you really in a position to dog pile someone who has made a joke in poor taste?
Ah, so five police officers randomly followed you onto a deserted bridge in the middle of the night and tortured you for half an hour with kubotan? Ooooookkkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyy .....

Ah, so you were able to record video of this random late night attack by five police officers who randomly followed you onto a random deserted bridge in the middle of the night and tortured you for half an hour with kubotan ... while you recorded them.
Ooooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyy .....

I'll say it for you Tez ... I think it's pure bollocks!
A lot of kids will make up stories like this when looking for attention. Unfortunately they don't usually have enough life experience to realize just how unbelievable their tale actually is.
Your first move for proper self defense is to come on back to the real world. Once you get here, then you can start checking out martial arts and what it may be able to do for you.
And THAT is why I can’t hand in my homework today...
I feel like the 5 vs 6/7 is the most believable part, if a bunch of people are beating up on you, you're not going to bother counting how many
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