I'm starting!


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
Well, I talked my friend into joining Karate and our first night is Monday. I can"t wait!:)

Have fun! I hope you like it! What style?

Originally posted by rachel

Well, I talked my friend into joining Karate and our first night is Monday. I can"t wait!:)

Great! Good luck! I hope you have a lot of fun! Let us know what style and how it went.
Respectfully The 14th Style
Originally posted by rachel

Well, I talked my friend into joining Karate and our first night is Monday. I can"t wait!:)

Yes, Rachel, good luck. I thought you posted somewhere about looking at Kenpo so I assumed that's what you were signing up for, but please tell us how it goes.

Thank you.
Can't wait to see what you thought of your first lesson. I do some of the first and second lesons at our school so I'm always looking for how new students found thier first experience!


:D :D :D
Good luck with your martial arts training! Don't forget to get back to us and let us know how it went :D
I remember when I first started my MA training a few years back, everything was so strange and awkward. It felt just like I was a kid again and in my first day at my new high school. Don't despair though, after you've been training awhile you'll feel right at home!

Let me pass on two old popular proverbs to think about: "Even the longest journey begins with the first step", and "Starting means you're at half-way". Enjoy your study of the martial art and way of life :asian: