Originally posted by Judo-kid
I dont have any idea what to look for in a kenpo class.
Kenpo is an excellent choice, JK. The style is more of a science, based on human reactions, then an art and you won't even have to learn a foreign language to do it. Any good kenpo school has at least these four main ingredients wich make up what we call the Alphabet of Motion.
A, Basics, which most other styles call techniques, is refered to as the letters. No one writes the same way just as your basics will be your own and will not mimic others. Put a few of these 'letters' together and you will come up with a technique
B, Techniques, the bread and butter of the style, is referered to as the sentences. All techniques has a fancy codeword attached to them and most of them are very easy to remember. Some techniques have only a few moves and others have several, and all of the moves flow together. Expect to see very few high kicks, unless you train them on your own, but awesome hand speed as you progress
C, Forms, my personal weakness, is refered to as a paragraphs where you put the basics together in what seems much like a well choreographed dance.
This reinforces the basics with the much required footwork that all arts need.
D, Sets, similiar to forms, are the indexia of the style. These work your combinations in a different way then
sparring does.
When you add these ingredients together, you would be developing your own 'book'. What I mean by this is although the mechanics of the style is the same for everyone you train with, adjustments to the style is based on you personally
For info from more knowledgable people then I, come on over to the kenpo forums. They will be glad to offer advice