Hey about to join kenpo is this a mcdojo

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I am about to join a place that has a 4 month contract 65$ a month, What should i do class last mon - Thur 7-8 and is near my house should i go ,
Need input , I go for my free class on monday .
What should i look for in this Dojo
I do judo so i need input to see if this is a mcdojo
You kenpo guys please give me some input thanks,
Your friend Judo-kid
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I am about to join a place that has a 4 month contract 65$ a month, What should i do class last mon - Thur 7-8 and is near my house should i go ,
Need input , I go for my free class on monday .
What should i look for in this Dojo
I do judo so i need input to see if this is a mcdojo
You kenpo guys please give me some input thanks,
Your friend Judo-kid

Who is the teacher- I know of no AK people in your area.
You might also ask in the Kenpo-General forum.

The price is not unreasonable, nor is a four-month contract--though I certainly prefer no contracts. A short contract like that leaves you some flexibility but gives the school owner some financial guarantees that are nice for a small businessperson.
His school is in kent washington

I need to know if this is a good school anyone out there knows how i can check or knows about him and his school . PLEASE POST HERE>
I know some of you kenpo guys know about alot of other schools.
please tell me about his ,
Your friend Judo-kid
P.S I go for my free class monday,
Maybe you should wait to decide if you are going to join until you have actually met the instructor and have seen his students and teaching ability.

Just a suggestion,

I dont have any idea what to look for in a kenpo class. I am a Grapple :D . Anyone know of any masters that are teaching in kent, Because thats where the school is on miltary road.
Please list things to look for, and let me try to find out the guys name, see if anyone knows him
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I dont have any idea what to look for in a kenpo class. I am a Grapple :D . Anyone know of any masters that are teaching in kent, Because thats where the school is on miltary road.
Please list things to look for, and let me try to find out the guys name, see if anyone knows him

Contact Mr. Conatser who is DCGoldendragon I think.
He's in the directory here.
He would know what to tell you about the instructor and the school and I would go with his advice for sure.
Good luck.
Why are you so worried about it being a "mcdojo" if you don't even know what that is or how it's defined? You hang out with the UFC MMA people too much.

Check it out. If it feels good, it probably is.
Got this off of yellowpages.com
24602 MILITARY RD S, KENT, WA 98032
Got a phone number also, but I will let you guys find that....lol.

In any martial art it depends on the instructor not the art to qualify it as a McDojo. You can have really crappy BJJ, or really good BJJ, same with Tae k ur doe or Tae kwon do. My suggestion is, take it for a period of time, if you enjoy the instruction, and its practicallity it is probably pretty good.

Just woundering if you are just joking or know this gym to be a real mcdojo. How can you tell, you just noted mcdojo. please list why. Your friend Judo-kid
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Just woundering if you are just joking or know this gym to be a real mcdojo. How can you tell, you just noted mcdojo. please list why. Your friend Judo-kid

I know who most of the Kenpo people up here are. Name the instructors. Kent- Ken Strayhan not recommended by me. Call the others and find out who does the teaching and who trained them. I can tell you from there or just go see them myself.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

If the guy is not American Kenpo guy how are these guys going to know him. He may do Okinawan or Chinese Kempo.
Bob :asian:

Exactly so. The other schools could be Shaolin Kempo, It could be Nick Cerio's Kempo or someone who is recognized as teaching Nick Cerio's Kempo. You might even run across a school that teaches Karazenpo or it's parent Kajukembo, which is an off-shoot of the Kempo that is taught by William Chow's students (and all of them came out of Jim Matose's kempo).
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

If the guy is not American Kenpo guy how are these guys going to know him. He may do Okinawan or Chinese Kempo.
Bob :asian:

You do not understand- there are some bad people up here- The martial communtiy up here is small- I know of judo kid's coach, his is a good teacher and a good person.

Exactly so. The other schools could be Shaolin Kempo, It could be Nick Cerio's Kempo or someone who is recognized as teaching Nick Cerio's Kempo. You might even run across a school that teaches Karazenpo or it's parent Kajukembo, which is an off-shoot of the Kempo that is taught by William Chow's students (and all of them came out of Jim Matose's kempo).

O really? One of the Kajukenbo people up here went to prison for unsavory acts... along with a 1st gen ak "teacher" . It is very wise to get a recommendation. Judo kid is very young and if I can steer him clear of people I know to be unsavory I will. I just need names because I don't keep track of where people are. If I don't know them someone else will regardless of style.
I'm not sure, but is this an AKKS-affiliated school, under someone named "Fitzgibbons"? Or is that a different Northwest Kenpo Karate?

Seriously, your best bet is to go to the Kenpo General forum and ask about the school. See what people say.

Good luck finding a school!

Originally posted by Judo-kid

I dont have any idea what to look for in a kenpo class.

Kenpo is an excellent choice, JK. The style is more of a science, based on human reactions, then an art and you won't even have to learn a foreign language to do it. Any good kenpo school has at least these four main ingredients wich make up what we call the Alphabet of Motion.

A, Basics, which most other styles call techniques, is refered to as the letters. No one writes the same way just as your basics will be your own and will not mimic others. Put a few of these 'letters' together and you will come up with a technique

B, Techniques, the bread and butter of the style, is referered to as the sentences. All techniques has a fancy codeword attached to them and most of them are very easy to remember. Some techniques have only a few moves and others have several, and all of the moves flow together. Expect to see very few high kicks, unless you train them on your own, but awesome hand speed as you progress

C, Forms, my personal weakness, is refered to as a paragraphs where you put the basics together in what seems much like a well choreographed dance.
This reinforces the basics with the much required footwork that all arts need.

D, Sets, similiar to forms, are the indexia of the style. These work your combinations in a different way then
sparring does.

When you add these ingredients together, you would be developing your own 'book'. What I mean by this is although the mechanics of the style is the same for everyone you train with, adjustments to the style is based on you personally

For info from more knowledgable people then I, come on over to the kenpo forums. They will be glad to offer advice

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