I'm Not Dude!

I agree. Like i said upthread, unless this officer has a history of "problem behavior", I dont think the avalanche of "fire him" responses that always come with these types of things is fair. Does anybody really know how good of an officer this guy is? Id bet that many great officers have memories of situations where they could have handled things better.
Id bet that many great officers have memories of situations where they could have handled things better.
Ha, not only police officers, but every human being. That's what sucks about being human, we make mistakes, or if not that, act in ways that might in hindsight not be the best ways. I know for sure that I have, oh, boy have I.

It will all blow over, you'll see. In the end of the film there, you can tell that this guy was trying to talk some sense into these skateboarders (not that it would have done any good -- kids that age do not understand things well enough).

Just another curious thing to talk about on the intertubes. Next week will be something else. That is the world that we live in, the world of viral videos.

ok i had a somewhat lengthy reply going here before i deleted it. i went out to have a cigarette and thought about this.

people somtimes forget that police are people to. they can be helpful when your in need, they also commit the very same crimes everyone else does. i challenge anyone to find a police officer that you could call infallibe OR a real scumbag. now find a person thats not a police officer with those "qualities"
ill bet you cant find ANYBODY thats infallibe, but youll get a few scumbags from both sides.

however due to their position and the support they get from their peers police can overlook their own faults and magnify everyone elses (a broad generalization).
which can lead to misconduct (as in this case) or gross abuse of power. power does in fact corrupt.
my advice for everybody that reads this is to try and see this situation from the other perspective.

police, look for the cop that loses control, has no respect, and attacks a 14 year old that wasnt hurting anybody. if you can justify his actions, keep looking.

non police, while watching the video consider being given an attitude by several people every day because your doing your job and they are either doing somthing wrong or potentially doing somthing wrong. if you arent sympathetic (yet still want him reprimanded) watch it again.

noone is born good, noone is born bad. yet everyone is born on this rock and we have to deal with each other.
Theyre like these little ***** that sneak cell phones into classrooms so they can irritate their teachers into yelling. Then they go post it up on youtube to amuse their friends.

Perhaps their parents havent put the boot up their behinds often enough.
Theyre like these little ***** that sneak cell phones into classrooms so they can irritate their teachers into yelling. Then they go post it up on youtube to amuse their friends.

Same as paparazzi and celebrities, but there the motivation is money.
Well it's not as though any of us have ever done anything to wind a teacher up when we were at school is it? :rolleyes:

Im starting to think the officers rant had some truth in it.

Sounds to me like the little turd buckets were trying to set Sal up. I know the officer in question. He is and has always been a cool guy. But, he is no nonsense, and won't take crap off of people. To the people calling him a meter maid, you have no clue. He's worked for the BPD for 17 years. You don't know the areas of Baltimore he has worked, you don't know the city or the people. You have no idea of the crime that happens in Baltimore, even in the "tourist" areas. The kids were looking to provoke from the start. This time they found the wrong cop. He could have found himself in baby booking.
On another note, I find it funny the lack of respect people in this thread have for the officer in question.........all the while trying to minimize the fact that the kid showed no respect for the guy that puts his *** on the line daily to protect the citizens in that city, it shouldn't matter what kind of car the guy is driving......
You don't have to respect the guy wearing the badge.....but have a little respect for the institution that he is a member of.

really sad.
I've not commented here yet because I am heartily sick of the 'Trial by YouTube' nonsense that has sprung up in recent years.

The bare bones of this incident is that a minor was caught by a police officer doing what he shouldn't. Rather than be senible and "Yes sir" at appropriate times and go on his way with a warning, he chose to what we in England would call 'use his cheek'. The officer gave him what-for and quite rightly so.

Law enforcement is not an option and respect (aka appropriate level of fear) of those in uniform is likewise not optional. We've let that go lately and it's a part of the price we're paying in social misbehaviour.

Without being too dramatic, the social structure is cracking under our feet even over here in civilised ole England, with 'teens (the bad ones) running amok with no respect for authority or fear of reprisals.

To give an example from my life, my father, who is in his seventies, has only one leg and walks with crutches these days, had trouble with a gang of 'teens pelting our house with eggs and other sundry garbage after he told them to stop sitting on our lawn. He goes out to talk to them, receives a verbal threat accompanied by physical encroachment to which he responds with a commendable lack of fear and derision to the courage of a bunch of youths threatening an old man.

Guess who got a visit from the cops? This sort of madness, wherein the young are not shown that to step out of line has costs, has to stop or when we grow old, if we get the chance, we shall be cowering prisioners in our own homes.
He catches some kids skateboarding and tells them to stop. The rest is all ego driven. If he wishes to live his life being ruled by his ego, that is his choice. If people wish to poke fun at him when its his time in the barrel, because he is on tape, that's the world we live in.

But no profession is above ridicule, none. If we can poke fun at the President of the United States (we do here), then anyone can get made fun of, no matter what they do for a living. That's the internet. Its just pixels, that's all.

In one week's worth of time, we will all have other things to amuse ourselves with. Its really not a big deal in any way at all, to me, though I'm glad that I haven't yet been caught on tape doing some funny thing. It could happen to anyone, though!
Sounds to me like the little turd buckets were trying to set Sal up. I know the officer in question. He is and has always been a cool guy. But, he is no nonsense, and won't take crap off of people. To the people calling him a meter maid, you have no clue. He's worked for the BPD for 17 years. You don't know the areas of Baltimore he has worked, you don't know the city or the people. You have no idea of the crime that happens in Baltimore, even in the "tourist" areas. The kids were looking to provoke from the start. This time they found the wrong cop. He could have found himself in baby booking.

Well said..Great Post...Should I even bother to tell about the officer up here that had a similar run in with a bunch of punks..They found a Colt Desert Eagle in the kids waistband...Harmless skateboarders my butt..
He catches some kids skateboarding and tells them to stop. The rest is all ego driven. If he wishes to live his life being ruled by his ego, that is his choice. If people wish to poke fun at him when its his time in the barrel, because he is on tape, that's the world we live in.

But no profession is above ridicule, none. If we can poke fun at the President of the United States (we do here), then anyone can get made fun of, no matter what they do for a living. That's the internet. Its just pixels, that's all.

In one week's worth of time, we will all have other things to amuse ourselves with. Its really not a big deal in any way at all, to me, though I'm glad that I haven't yet been caught on tape doing some funny thing. It could happen to anyone, though!

Well said!
I've not commented here yet because I am heartily sick of the 'Trial by YouTube' nonsense that has sprung up in recent years.

The bare bones of this incident is that a minor was caught by a police officer doing what he shouldn't. Rather than be senible and "Yes sir" at appropriate times and go on his way with a warning, he chose to what we in England would call 'use his cheek'. The officer gave him what-for and quite rightly so.

Law enforcement is not an option and respect (aka appropriate level of fear) of those in uniform is likewise not optional. We've let that go lately and it's a part of the price we're paying in social misbehaviour.

Without being too dramatic, the social structure is cracking under our feet even over here in civilised ole England, with 'teens (the bad ones) running amok with no respect for authority or fear of reprisals.

To give an example from my life, my father, who is in his seventies, has only one leg and walks with crutches these days, had trouble with a gang of 'teens pelting our house with eggs and other sundry garbage after he told them to stop sitting on our lawn. He goes out to talk to them, receives a verbal threat accompanied by physical encroachment to which he responds with a commendable lack of fear and derision to the courage of a bunch of youths threatening an old man.

Guess who got a visit from the cops? This sort of madness, wherein the young are not shown that to step out of line has costs, has to stop or when we grow old, if we get the chance, we shall be cowering prisioners in our own homes.

This is a pretty sad state of affairs.

We are letting kids get away with murder these days.
I just finally got a chance to watch the video. There are several issues.

First -- regarding the use of force. I don't have a problem with it. The officer tells the kid to give him the skateboard; I don't blame him. The kid's already showing an attitude; a skateboard can be a great weapon (would you want to take a skateboard to the face?) or provide a means of immediate escape. The officer had every right to control that skateboard during the encounter. When the kid refused to surrender it, he used pretty reasonable force to control the kid, and to keep him seated. A simple takedown, and a push. And, if you can't tell, I feel he had justification.

With all due respect, I disagree. Was the kid that much of a threat that he had to manhandle him like that? Did he take the boards of the others? If not why? That kid IMO, seemed to be scared and nervous. IMO, didn't look like much of a threat to me. I'm not saying be so relaxed you drop your guard, but I think the cop went a little overboard.

As to his rant... That could have been handled better. But I don't blame him; I've dealt with that same sort of almost passive aggressive crap from kids. It can be pretty infuriating. And, sometimes, you speak in a language your target is going to understand. I've used language and said things in ways that would very possibly shock many of you used to how I write here -- because the people I'm dealing with aren't going to listen to anything else.

Sometimes you'll get further by being nice, instead of being an ***, like this guy was. If you treat someone with a bit of respect, the odds of cooperation on their part just went up a bit. If I spoke to the inmates the way this cop spoke, I'd probably get my *** kicked, and a shank stuck in me. Yet, while we all know that many inmates are total dirtbags, you still need to show some respect if you ever expect to survive in a place like that.
On another note, I find it funny the lack of respect people in this thread have for the officer in question.........all the while trying to minimize the fact that the kid showed no respect for the guy that puts his *** on the line daily to protect the citizens in that city, it shouldn't matter what kind of car the guy is driving......
You don't have to respect the guy wearing the badge.....but have a little respect for the institution that he is a member of.

really sad.

I'm sorry, but respect IMHO, goes both ways. This cop wants people to fear him plain and simple. He let the badge go to his head IMO. I mean, you've been a member on this forum for a while right? Look at some threads here. You have people demanding that you respect their high rank, their title, demanding that you call them by Doctor, Mr, or whatever else. Are there people who I've dealt with in RL that had no respect for me? Absolutely! I'm still social, yet I don't go out of my way to be extra nice or mean for that matter, to them.

This cop is a reflection of the dept he works for. Is one bad apple going to ruin the bunch? Possibly. Perhaps, in his quest for respect, he should dish a little out himself, both to the public and to his dept.

Well, this kind of thing is going to happen. Now, no one got hurt, no one was hospitalized, the policeman did not start squeezing off rounds or anything. There was no real harm done, you see. If there is no harm, then the rest is just some topic for discussion.

Now, there is a VERY BAD video going on now having to do with how animals are slaughtered -- I don't CHOOSE to eat meat, you see, I will if it is offered to me, but if I go to a restaurant, I choose to eat some salad or such. I say that to say this: There are VERY BAD things going on RIGHT NOW! This we see here on this video is very trivial, since no one was hurt, not hospitalized, not a big deal.

I will not post this other video about the slaughter house. It is too hard to watch!

See, in the LARGER scheme of things, this video here with the policeman and the skateboard kids is not worthy of all of this fuss, but I engage in this, I waste my time this way just because we all enjoy talking back and forth. Soon we will have some other topic.

I need to do more constructive things with my time, especially since I am at work now!!!

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