I'm moving!!

I'm guessing she meant Kuwaiti war, not Korean war.
Nope. Korea. I'm quoting him, and he's Out Of Touch. Generally speaking, the neighbors are fond of him and try to steer him in the right direction. As I think about it, I worry about him keeping company with Creep. Creep may be taking advantage of him somehow ... I hope not.

It's not a long report; at this point they can simply document "Unknown person, first name Whatever, has been harassing Complainant by... Report filed for information only."

Is there a particular type of report I can ask for that would allow me to be vague? I'm so frustrated here ... I don't see why this should be such a tooth-puller. I was especially taken aback by the fact that I had to defend my perception of a threat to the operator blocking my report the first time around. Asinine.
I had another one tonight, different person.

As I was out watching my dog sniff something, some old codger called out to me from several yards away, "Sir, are you old enough to buy a beer?" I'm 37, so I just laughed hysterically (damn these doe eyes!) He started to launch into some story about why he couldn't go into the liquor store himself, but I just walked away.

:lfao: Only in River City!!

I ran into Creep again last week. I'd decided to tell him politely but firmly that I wasn't interested, but only under certain circumstances. The circumstances weren't right the day we crossed paths - it was daylight, but there were no other pedestrians around. I had just spent several minutes lounging on the porch of a dear friend and mentor and was headed home. I don't know how Creep snuck up on me (and shame on me for not paying attention!) but he said in a confidential tone "You better watch out for him (my mentor.) He's queer as a $2 bill." I said coldly that he was my best friend. Creep laughed sleazily and extended a hand. I let his hand hang indefinitely in the air as I glared at him. Finally he laughed again and chucked me on the shoulder. I went back up to my friend's porch. At least I have a witness now. Better yet, I haven't seen Creep at all since then.

Besides, I have bigger fish to fry, like buying beers for random old men loitering on the sidewalk.
Nope. Korea. I'm quoting him, and he's Out Of Touch. Generally speaking, the neighbors are fond of him and try to steer him in the right direction. As I think about it, I worry about him keeping company with Creep. Creep may be taking advantage of him somehow ... I hope not.

Is there a particular type of report I can ask for that would allow me to be vague? I'm so frustrated here ... I don't see why this should be such a tooth-puller. I was especially taken aback by the fact that I had to defend my perception of a threat to the operator blocking my report the first time around. Asinine.
In his defense, a lot of things happen to soldiers in Korea that don't make the news. If one soldier commits an aggresive act against a gang member, another soldier will pay the price at random. Korea is still avery dangerous place.
There is so much strange in this thread it isn't even funny..
All I have to say without getting in trouble by the moderators, is move now, nothing good is going to come of your situation where you are at.