Ilearned bassai dai but need help.

Ya i like going to karate. On tuesday i had my ankle broken. iwas sad that i couldnt go to class. i wanted to go but i still practice basic moves at home. hard to have balance with legs with an ankle thats twisted. I like getting broken parts. I think they get stronger the next time. I liked getting used to them. I had my next broken for two wweks and i only can move to my right side. not even straight. I still did my katas really good.
thepanjr said:
Ya i like going to karate. On tuesday i had my ankle broken. iwas sad that i couldnt go to class. i wanted to go but i still practice basic moves at home. hard to have balance with legs with an ankle thats twisted. I like getting broken parts. I think they get stronger the next time. I liked getting used to them. I had my next broken for two wweks and i only can move to my right side. not even straight. I still did my katas really good.

Is anyone else thinking what I am??????
What are you thinking? im confused. Im a kid i sware.Oh i get it. I like pain like injuries but not being hit by someone. Imnot acting stupid. I say true things.
thepanjr said:
What are you thinking? im confused. Im a kid i sware.Oh i get it. I like pain like injuries but not being hit by someone. Imnot acting stupid. I say true things.

You are saying something really stupid right now. People who say things like this aren't telling the truth. They are trying to brag.

Pain is not something you enjoy with the martial arts, its something that learn to tolerate.

This attitude that you are trying to express is going to seem pretty phony to just about everybody here. Think about that.
upnorthkyosa said:
You are saying something really stupid right now. People who say things like this aren't telling the truth. They are trying to brag.

Pain is not something you enjoy with the martial arts, its something that learn to tolerate.

This attitude that you are trying to express is going to seem pretty phony to just about everybody here. Think about that.

That's kind of what I was thinking.

From thepanjr:

Broken ankle? Then it changes to an ankle thats twistedÂ…..

I like getting broken parts.

I had my next broken for two wweks and i only can move to my right side.

I still did my katas really good.


Yeah rightÂ…Â…
I had an ankle broken and a neck and elbow brokena and more. I said i like pain because im used to it.You people have your own opinion in pain. My opinion i like it becaus eim used to it. Im notsure if thsi is right the more pain i have the more stronger i get. That is another reason. MY ankle is still twisted and i need to learn bassai dai today in class. So sorry i f you thinks its stupid but its my opiinion.
thepanjr said:
I had an ankle broken and a neck and elbow brokena and more. I said i like pain because im used to it.You people have your own opinion in pain. My opinion i like it becaus eim used to it. Im notsure if thsi is right the more pain i have the more stronger i get. That is another reason. MY ankle is still twisted and i need to learn bassai dai today in class. So sorry i f you thinks its stupid but its my opiinion.
ItÂ’s comments like this that I wish people such as yourself were standing in front of meÂ…Â….
Why would you want me to stand in front of you. Im confused. so far i know bassai dai like this open handed and closed handed groin block. Then reinforcement block with the stance like i n heian yodan where u jump and hit the guy with a fist. Then series of sandan blocks with outside block. Then a sweeping block leg move then moreblocks than a shuto(open handed techinique)Tell me why u want me to standin front of u.You want to hurt me oh no. I dont get what u meaqn can u explain.
If I had a broken neck, the last thing I would not ever think of doing or can do, is "perform" kata.

Strange thing about pain, too much of it will cause massive physiological reaction to such trama.

In other words, pain is not good because it will cause shock and death.

The old cliche' "No Pain-No Gain" should be changed to "Too Much Pain, Too Insane"

Pain is not about dedication. The level of proficiency and skill is to not have it as often.
thepanjr said:
I had an ankle broken and a neck and elbow brokena and more. I said i like pain because im used to it.You people have your own opinion in pain. My opinion i like it becaus eim used to it. Im notsure if thsi is right the more pain i have the more stronger i get. That is another reason. MY ankle is still twisted and i need to learn bassai dai today in class. So sorry i f you thinks its stupid but its my opiinion.

Stop and think before you post. Read what you write and if it doesn't say what you want it to say, don't hit send. Erase it and start over. I have a few questions about your written expression...are you recieving extra help in school on writing?
thepanjr said:
Tell me why u want me to standin front of u.You want to hurt me oh no. I dont get what u meaqn can u explain.

No body wants to hurt anyone. I think that Robert would like to demonstrate a few things so you can learn from it. Do me a favor, please tell your karate teacher what you told us about pain. Perhaps then you will learn a few things...;)
Pain sucks in the greatest sense. Screw all of that pain tollerance macho crap. You do need to ease back and to something for us.

STOP-THINK-ACT. This is all any of us asks of you, thepanjr.

Nobody likes pain unless they have some severe psychological issues. You do NEED to talk with your instructor, your parents, and possibly a liscenced counselor.
The Kai said:
There's alot of signals going off here!!

Oh yes, and one of them is


I wasn't sure for a while, but come on!

thepanjr said:
and a neck and elbow brokena and more
A broken neck and still going to practise ?! I don't think so
ok just forget it. Hey i hate been machi man. I dont want to ask the teacher. Think before u write to hard to learn> bad speeling true. Cant stop. Just froget about my unmature post.

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