Ilearned bassai dai but need help.

TimoS said:
It's not going to that easy... I've only been doing this style of karate for less than 4 years and I am nowhere near satisfied that I've learned even one kata properly. Sure, I can execute most of our styles core kata quite ok, but the way we're taught, that is only the "outside form" (to use a direct translation of my teacher's words). Then you still need to understand the kata and what's happening there. For us, kata Bassai (we don't have the separate Dai and Sho versions, luckily) is a requirement for 3. dan, and I think for a good reason :) The kata itself seems simple, but I can only guess at what kind of applications it contains. We've been shown some of them, and they are very basic applications, even kind of unrealistic (but they help you remember the moves, at least in my case)

Very good points. The "moves" may be something you learn quickly, but the "techniques" may take much much longer.
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Im not joking around i am a kid. I know im immature but i like karate. There are kats called matsui kazaa shodan to sandan. Chuck ku san shodan which is pretty long. Empiechui kata. Kenzake shodan and neidan.Hit o no kata, tomboino kata. Utsutsuke, Tkyoko shodan to godan. plenty more kata i didnt hear about.If i do learn heian rokudan i willl share some info on it. Out o fall these i told u i learned Empiechuie kata , chuck ku san shodan, matsui kazaa shodan,utsutsuke, Tkyoko shodan to godan.
Those kata names sound totally weird to me. If the names are accurate (and no offense, panjr, but you really could look into your spelling. It is quite hard to read what you're trying to say), then they most likely are modern creations (nothing bad in that by itself)
The Kai said:
Take a little time on the spelling and maybe throw a period in once in a while

Hey, take it easy on this. There may be more to what you are seeing. If you would like, I could PM what I see from an educators POV.
the spelling ya they are a proble. the names of those katas are real spelling like matsui kazaa, empieuchie kata. Favourite long kata called chuck ku san shodan. theseare katas not known to some american ppl. there are dojos in america but not sure where. There are mostly in toronto in canada. There a lot of katas that are not even in shatokan series. So i feel scared how much i will learn when im a black belt. Must be 4o to 60 or more.They make up katas but with some new moves then the previous katas.
The Kai said:
Take a little time on the spelling and maybe throw a period in once in a while
Hey, I have problems with this also coming from a "condition".

However governed by this statement:
I feel like a electricity running through my blood because of this kata. bassai dai is the best kata now in my mind until i learn a really fun kata.

The thread orginator seems to be highly motivated. Why "burst his bubble"? Lets give him encouragement to conitinue and.or seek out more personal instruction.

BTW, I am not pointing fingers at you Kai, I was only using your quote as an example. For I can understand the frustration in trying to interpret information posted in this manner-peace. :asian:
47MartialMan said:
I feel like a electricity running through my blood because of this kata. bassai dai is the best kata now in my mind until i learn a really fun kata.

I read stuff like this and it fires me up. It reminds me of when I was green and 14 and learning Shotokan...
47MartialMan said:
It fires you up in a good/constructive way or other?

In a good way. When I first started martial arts. I felt very much the same way. Drive drive drive. Learn learn learn. Fast fast fast. I am still passionate now. I have learned to be more patient and to slow down. To much looking at the finger and missing the moon...
upnorthkyosa said:
In a good way.
Great it may me feel good too,,,but it wasnt my quote but;

thepanjr said:
I feel like a electricity running through my blood because of this kata. bassai dai is the best kata now in my mind until i learn a really fun kata.
I hope he keeps going :)
Why is upnorthkyoska dot is black does that mean he is special or because he is a supporting member. I actually wasted 4 years of my time like slacking now im making up for it. I go to 4 classes than 1 class. So im trying to catch up the time i was slacking. I went for 4 classes for 6 months. so far i have earned 1 and a half a year of classes. after i catch up ill still train for 4 classes because i learn a lot. I dont like how much space is in my room i cant even do a kata. Only tekki sho is the one i could od on the hallway. If i do a kata ill disturb the down satairs so i cant do katas. The floor is really weak in my house.Only place i could do kata are in the dojo.
thepanjr said:
I actually wasted 4 years of my time like slacking now im making up for it. I go to 4 classes than 1 class. So im trying to catch up the time i was slacking. I went for 4 classes for 6 months. so far i have earned 1 and a half a year of classes. after i catch up ill still train for 4 classes because i learn a lot. I dont like how much space is in my room i cant even do a kata. Only tekki sho is the one i could od on the hallway. If i do a kata ill disturb the down satairs so i cant do katas. The floor is really weak in my house.Only place i could do kata are in the dojo.
Hmmn, you mean that 4 classes were per month for 6 months?
Or was that 4 classses per week for 6 months.
Or was that 1 extra class per month?
And, you dont have a yard to practice when you are not at your martial art school?
As far as the black dot...I dont know.

BTW-I salute you for your motivation. :)
thepanjr said:
Why is upnorthkyoska dot is black does that mean he is special or because he is a supporting member.

:-offtopic I actually wondered about that also, and the answer seems to be that he has disabled his reputation, at least that's how I understood. Move your cursor over the black spot and you should see this text "upnorthkyosa has disabled reputation" :-offtopic :)
thepanjr said:
Why is upnorthkyoska dot is black does that mean he is special or because he is a supporting member.

When you are a Supporting Member, you can disable your reputation so that it does not appear to the public. I can still get reputation points, but that information is now private. I disabled my reputation for two reasons. First, I don't like popularity contests and I would like the substance of my posts to be judged by what I write. Secondly, if someone doesn't like you, they can make anonymous comments in your reputation that can be quite offensive. By turning it off, I don't have to mess around with those things anymore.

thepanjr said:
I actually wasted 4 years of my time like slacking now im making up for it. I go to 4 classes than 1 class. So im trying to catch up the time i was slacking. I went for 4 classes for 6 months. so far i have earned 1 and a half a year of classes. after i catch up ill still train for 4 classes because i learn a lot.

I started training in MA when I was 11. My art was Shotokan. When I was a kid, I often had times when my discipline lapsed and then I had times when I would train really hard. That is okay. When you are a kid, you should try lots of things and learn as much as you can. If you like training in MA, go for it. If you want to learn how to play an instrument, don't be afraid to balance that with your training. And don't forget about school! Set a variety of goals and go for it!

thepanjr said:
I dont like how much space is in my room i cant even do a kata. Only tekki sho is the one i could od on the hallway. If i do a kata ill disturb the down satairs so i cant do katas. The floor is really weak in my house.Only place i could do kata are in the dojo.

You can try doing the moves slow and really work on the technique or you could go outside as has already been mentioned. My recommendation is that you go to the YMCA and get a student pass. The Y is open at lots of different times and they will have space for you to practice. Ride your bike or run there so that you can keep fit.

I practiced at my school when I was in high school. I got up at 6:00 am and ran to school (2 miles) everyday. Then I would hit the weights and go to the gym to practice. If you are creative and you are serious about your goals, you will find a way.

Yes, everyone either finally makes up their mind to do it, and it had taken them a little while. or some even "burn out", only to return stronger.

Lots of things happen in a person's lige.

You keep practcing and find any info on any manner to "refference" and add to your knowledge.

A live instructor can help in many ways and set you on other ways so that you can also train on whatever spare time you have.
It is 4 classes per a month. But i go to 16 classes per a month.PLus i train with the teacher 1 hour before and after a class. Like help on kata and pointers. I had to improve alot.So it is 6 hours a month. 56 hours for me in a month. Im getting good enough to pass or so. When i do ill get to learn more advanced katas like bassaI sho or bassai dai. I learned a kata that a higher belt rank than mines by my other teacher. So im lucky
thepanjr said:
It is 4 classes per a month. But i go to 16 classes per a month. PLus i train with the teacher 1 hour before and after a class. Like help on kata and pointers. I had to improve alot.So it is 6 hours a month. 56 hours for me in a month. Im getting good enough to pass or so. When i do ill get to learn more advanced katas like bassaI sho or bassai dai. I learned a kata that a higher belt rank than mines by my other teacher. So im lucky
Which is 4 or 16 classes? Do you mean by the tuition is for 4, but you actually get in 16?
Nice to have a teacher to give you extra time. He observes your motivation and reward it. :)

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