White Belt
Some of David Germans lineages inserted a red belt between green and brown, as a "side-step" away from the kenpo-ish cirriculum, to focus on grappling and bagwork/focus pad work/makiwara. The cert captioned above is signed by Jim Fredericks; he might be the best guy to contact, in order to ask what HE means by it.
I hold the rank,7th degree red belt in the art of Chinese tai-kenpo karate system, an offshoot of sr.g.m. David German system of tai-kenpo karate system. My name is sifu Bernard(Scorpio) Strickland from b,ham Alabama.Some of David Germans lineages inserted a red belt between green and brown, as a "side-step" away from the kenpo-ish cirriculum, to focus on grappling and bagwork/focus pad work/makiwara. The cert captioned above is signed by Jim Fredericks; he might be the best guy to contact, in order to ask what HE means by it.