Black Belt Extension Journals?


Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
I am lucky enough to own a complete copy of the belt journals from yellow belt to first brown. They really help when I am reviewing techniques on my own. (which I try to do as often as possible) However I was wondering if there are any sort of journals for the black belt extensions simmilar to those like the colored belt journals? I know that these journals can not replace an instructor, I simply want to find some for reference material.

If there is anyone that can help out I would greatly appreciate it.


Sorry if this has been addressed before, I did a quick search and found nothing.
Larry Tatum used to have an entire notebook (yellow through Black 3) for sale. I got one on Ebay a few years ago and its very good. I am not a part of His association so I don't know how available or affordable it is (I got mine for like $20) But in any event you could check out his website. Aaalso what about using Video as a journal? If you are more of a visual learner that might be an option.

Brian Jones
Skip Hancock also sells them. They are available through the Kenpo 2000 website as well as KenpoNet website.

The Belt Manuals cover Yellow to 3rd Black and include the themes, what-ifs, etc.
exelent, thanks a lot guys.
Yes, I have a copy I got from Ed Parker Jr. about 4 years ago. I believe I paid somewhere around $50 for it.

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