Ignoring a moderator

Have a care, all of you, lest I bring on the Spanish Inquisition... and we have the Comfy Chair. And are notvafraid to use it!

(Seriously, our goal is to moderate as little and lughtly as possible. If folks can play nice and be adults, everyobe can have a good time.)

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Have a care, all of you, lest I bring on the Spanish Inquisition... and we have the Comfy Chair. And are notvafraid to use it!

(Seriously, our goal is to moderate as little and lughtly as possible. If folks can play nice and be adults, everyobe can have a good time.)

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I think we're done fooling around - but I have to say - I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition!
If you ignore moderator how can they moderate any bad posts you make? Isn't that why we have mods? Do you want to post something a mod would not like or agree with?
(Seriously, our goal is to moderate as little and lughtly as possible. If folks can play nice and be adults, everyobe can have a good time.)
Everyobe has a good time when you moderate is as lughtly as possible.. that has made me smile.. :) and all the more so if I believe you intended those words and not autocorrect! :)
If you ignore moderator how can they moderate any bad posts you make? Isn't that why we have mods? Do you want to post something a mod would not like or agree with?
using the ignore feature works exactly opposite. It would not interfere with moderation.
The Ignore feature mostly blocks you from seeing posts by a member. Some still get through when they're quoted, but you don't see posts or threads by that user. It's a great tool for members to use so that we don't need to take official action if they just can't get along. But -- since moderators have to make various official announcements -- it wouldn't help us at all to not be seen. Let's say I saw a lot heat building up in the interactions on a thread; a few people are just plain going at each other, and they're getting nasty. One of my first moves from a moderation standpoint is a general reminder, no names mentioned, or even an official warning. Kind of like the teacher walking over to a couple students talking in class, or a cop running radar very visibly in an area where people are known to speed... But if people can't see that post, they can't take the hint... then we end up having to bring out heavier tools.
Have a care, all of you, lest I bring on the Spanish Inquisition... and we have the Comfy Chair. And are notvafraid to use it!

(Seriously, our goal is to moderate as little and lughtly as possible. If folks can play nice and be adults, everyobe can have a good time.)

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
And we appreciate your lught moderation. I hate when moderators aren't lught enough.
So are you saying you know you are annoying others, but that's ok, they should just ignore me?
I understand that others are annoyed by me, even though that is not my intention. If you're asking whether I am annoying on purpose. No, I'm not. And I don't enjoy arguing just to argue, either.

You annoy me sometimes, Xue, but I don't think you do it on purpose. And I don't let it bother me to the point that I forget that I like almost all of your posts. If it did, though, I'd use the ignore function. That's what it's for.

does that make sense? I hope so.
I understand that others are annoyed by me, even though that is not my intention. If you're asking whether I am annoying on purpose. No, I'm not. And I don't enjoy arguing just to argue, either.

You annoy me sometimes, Xue, but I don't think you do it on purpose. And I don't let it bother me to the point that I forget that I like almost all of your posts. If it did, though, I'd use the ignore function. That's what it's for.

does that make sense? I hope so.
Well you didn't annoy me before but you do now with your senseless post. Mods/Admin need to read all the posts to do their job. They are quite moderate here. On my modded groups/forums if anyone blocks me they are booted. It's usually a membership rule :wtf:
Well you didn't annoy me before but you do now with your senseless post. Mods/Admin need to read all the posts to do their job. They are quite moderate here. On my modded groups/forums if anyone blocks me they are booted. It's usually a membership rule :wtf:

The mods can still read all the posts to do their job, regardless of whether or not someone were to ignore them. The issue would be that they couldn't respond in a way that he would see it, which makes them not use ignore. But that was explained to him, and he accepted it, so I don't understand why people are continuing to harp on it.