If your art did not exist...


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
If your art(s) did not exist, what would you be doing today instead?

and more fishing!

With all you have available to you in Hawaii?????? You've gotta be kidding me???? You sure love your judo, huh?

Anyway ... for me, not sure that I like much else in my area ... probably the nearby Kung Fu (won hop influence) or if I can get into BBT I'd do that. But my age is limiting me more and more. So ... I dunno. Gun Fu? heh he he he he he
My restriction is in age. I would like to try Aikido, but all that tumbling, don't know if my back could take much of it. BJJ, again, the back. Man, I'm a mess. Why did you have to bring this up? Now I'm depressed ... LOL ... let me go workout ... in Kempo!
I would be in whatever random karate class had been available at the time. I first stared martial arts at the age of 6 and just wanted to do "karate" a TKD school was the one my parents just happened to walk in to!
If your art(s) did not exist, what would you be doing today instead?

If I wasn't taking Kombatan Arnis then I would probably be taking Wing Chun. I already have a little experience in WC and there are two really good instructors in the area.
I'd be sitting on my couch watching Kung Fu movies with a beer in one hand and a bowl full of chicken wings in the other. Not that I dont' do that now, but the one kind of off-sets the other...it's a Yin/Yang kind of thing. Without MA, it'd be all Yang!
I'd have moved into Kru Steve Wilson's orbit and would be doing Krabi Krabong or would have started Araki Ryu some time back.
Something like beng a CEO of some huge company making billions of dollars and driving a very nice car and eating at all the best restaurants and staying at the playboy mansion twice a week.

Reality probaly be a school teacher it is in my blood. MA has always given me that teacher mentallity that I can fix anybody.
Probably Mc-Tae Kwon Do... -shutters-
Yep. Nothing worse than TKD since the product is apparently always bad.

I'd probably have ended up doing Shotokan or Kenpo (given what's available locally) if I wasn't taking TKD. (shutter)
My restriction is in age. I would like to try Aikido, but all that tumbling, don't know if my back could take much of it. BJJ, again, the back. Man, I'm a mess. Why did you have to bring this up? Now I'm depressed ... LOL ... let me go workout ... in Kempo!

You are confused, my friend, tumbling is gymnastics, rolls and breakfalls are aikido ;).

Like tshasdowchaser, I'd be doing another form of martial art.
You are confused, my friend, tumbling is gymnastics, rolls and breakfalls are aikido ;).

Like tshasdowchaser, I'd be doing another form of martial art.
If my busted up back can take the rolls and breakfalls then anyone's can. And, Tom, I only tumble when the technique goes bad.:uhyeah:
I'd probably be doing kempo or BJJ given what else is available in my area. I'd consider TKD if there were any truly good schools in my area. As it is the only ones in town really seem to be day care centers that kick a lot. And, no, Marginal, I'm not shuddering!:)
Yep. Nothing worse than TKD since the product is apparently always bad.

I'd probably have ended up doing Shotokan or Kenpo (given what's available locally) if I wasn't taking TKD. (shutter)

Notice I said "Mc" as in, the school is a Mc-Dojang. I have nothing against Tae Kwon Do, just Mc-Tae Kwon Do, along with Mc-Kempo, Mc-Shotokan, Mc-Judo, Mc-Aikido, Mc-Shaolin, Mc-Wing Chun, Mc-Cuong Nhu, and so on.