i dont think the idea is to start the gold rush, so much as get thete wholstcthere are still nuggets of gold the size of your hand just lying about in stream beds, get some and get the hell out of thereInteresting thought experiment. Could I get a "jump" on the gold rush by being transported 130 prior to it? Not me personally because I would be long dead before the year 1849 arrives.
My next thought is there anyway I could make the gold rush happen earlier so I could benefit in my lifetime? I dont think the state of CA was even know to settlers back east until Lewis and Clarks expedition in 1806. So you arrive in 1720 still 86 years before that even happens.
I guess you could show up in say Boston in 1720 with some gold and tell everyone you found all this gold way out west. Making it far more likely earlier explorers would travel west. Then you being the first to set up shop when they arrive and sell them the shovels and equiptment to gold mine! Most likely would be hung as a witch back in Boston before this would work would be my guess! lol
Or maybe you could start a gold rush coming up from Mexico instead. Start the rumor in Mexico City and cause the gold rush to come from the south and not the east.
you could then of course tell people where you got it, if you find a away to monize that or just for a laugh tell them you found it in alaska
if civilisation( sort of) does come to californa,early, do your desendents a favour and buy malabu beach
then once you have seed money, even an elimentary knolledge of the science to come, will allow you to start inventing the future, its not at all hard to invent the steam engine or the phonograph or the telegraph ,hell you could start with the tin can and work yourway up,
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