If you practice Karate at home where do you practice.


Brown Belt
Dec 13, 2023
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
If you practice at home (house) where exactly do you practice? I expect that answers will fall into several main categories:

1. Practice in the middle of a room set up and used for other purpose, i.e. family room

2. Practice in an area sort of reserved for karate practice but also used for other purposes, i.e. spare bedroom, garage stall with car removed.

3. Practice in an area with space dedicated to Karate practice, a home dojo, i.e. bedroom, garage stall, section of basement equipped with mirrors, posters, weapons, makiwara, punching bag, perhaps a Bob stand and other accoutrements of Karate.

If you answered number 3 please provide a brief description. Size (Square feet/ meters? ! square meter = 10.8 Sq. Ft.), mirrors, lights, flooring, heated, TN, DVD/video player etc. Pictures would be nice.
does your area have a name? Mini Dojo? Dojo-ette, Karate cave. Retreat, refuge, hide away?

I am thinking of setting up one stall in my two car garage for Karate practice. Looking for ideas. One issue for me is cold winter weather is starting here, Michigan, USA. High temperatures predicted in low 30 degrees Fahrenheit ( -1 degree in Celsius) for the next two weeks then colder until spring.

My home practice area is in the woods on the back of my property. About a 30x30 foot area cleared out. Heavy bag, double end bag, makiwara, weight bench. Plenty of space to move around. Bugs are a pain but otherwise I love my little outdoor dojo. Practicing in the rain when it's warm is fun
I call it, "My Room."

It is on the 2nd floor of my house and is not perfect, especially since I am 5'10" and the ceiling is... not. But it is enough to do bodyweight training, partial form work, light to moderate heavy bag, etc. It gets cold here, too (Minnesota; 15F this morning and going to get much worse, soon).

I also have found that I spend a bit more time working in there now since I made it less Spartan and a bit more "cozy." I added the curtains as a visual cue for my nephew, as he almost went out the window while we were training. It is a happy accident that it helps me a bit too.