If you had a time machine that could travel into the past, what era would you visit?


Blue Belt
Oct 30, 2018
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If you had a time machine that could travel into the past, what era would you visit? I think I would choose America at its founding. Meet George Washington and the other founding fathers.

Or my other thought would be to I would like to see the Dinosaurs in person. A world before people to see Earth in its truly natural state.

What time period would you choose?
If you had a time machine that could travel into the past, what era would you visit? I think I would choose America at its founding. Meet George Washington and the other founding fathers.

Or my other thought would be to I would like to see the Dinosaurs in person. A world before people to see Earth in its truly natural state.

What time period would you choose?
What time period would you choose?

The Ming treasure voyages were the seven maritime expeditions undertaken by Ming China's treasure fleet between 1405 and 1433. The Yongle Emperor started building the treasure fleet in 1403.

If I can go back to 1400, I'll tell the treasure fleet to keep sailing until they can reach to the land of American.




The day before Amazon's stock was available would be nice.
Provided that going back in time wouldn't kill me in the process. I would go back to every era. Scientist say the world is millions of years old so if they are wrong anywhere on that number, I could end up in a bad situation upon arriving. If I could go back into time. I would probably do it 50 years at a time. There's a lot of things I want to see with my modern perspective. I want to see how accurate we are with history. I would also like to document how things really were instead of how we think they were.

As for stock and such. I would just pick up a few trinkets from each time period. Coins, jewelry, clothing. documentation like how in things were built. Greek fire would be cool. Sounds grim, but I would also like to check out a few ancient battles. I would avoid scientist like Marie Curie and the likes who died from their research.

I would stop around 1400 to do some training with Kung Fu Wang. lol Based on his plan we would probably all cease to exist lol.
Been thinking about this. I would have liked to have time traveled to Dallas on the day President Kennedy was assassinated. Behind the grassy knoll with a good camera and telephoto lens.

In a Martial sense, it would be way cool to time travel back to the younger years of all your martial legends, be they Traditional or contemporary.
Been thinking about this. I would have liked to have time traveled to Dallas on the day President Kennedy was assassinated. Behind the grassy knoll with a good camera and telephoto lens.

In a Martial sense, it would be way cool to time travel back to the younger years of all your martial legends, be they Traditional or contemporary.
We watched the Irishman last night. Very long but very good movie. It had a Ton of Kennedy innuendo's in it.
We watched the Irishman last night. Very long but very good movie. It had a Ton of Kennedy innuendo's in it.

I think the trailer for that movie was forty six minutes long. :)
Honestly, every time I think of a bygone era, I think life must’ve been pretty miserable. Electricity, bathing, sanitation, illnesses, transportation, and on and on. I guess that’s the pessimist in me.

I’d like to visit them for a short stay though. I think I’d start by following Jesus around. I’d love to see what actually went down and how it all played out. Was he really a big deal during his day, or was he perceived as yet another wack job claiming to be something he wasn’t that only a handful of people paid attention to. Was he really considered a serious threat, or was he just another heathen they quickly squashed.

Then the Old Testament/Torah era. What was literal and what was figuratively speaking?

I’m not an overly religious guy. It’s not for religious soul searching reasons, just curiosity reasons. Some of the stuff written is so far out there that I think it would be cool to see how it all actually went down.
Honestly, every time I think of a bygone era, I think life must’ve been pretty miserable. Electricity, bathing, sanitation, illnesses, transportation, and on and on. I guess that’s the pessimist in me.

I’d like to visit them for a short stay though. I think I’d start by following Jesus around. I’d love to see what actually went down and how it all played out. Was he really a big deal during his day, or was he perceived as yet another wack job claiming to be something he wasn’t that only a handful of people paid attention to. Was he really considered a serious threat, or was he just another heathen they quickly squashed.

Then the Old Testament/Torah era. What was literal and what was figuratively speaking?

I’m not an overly religious guy. It’s not for religious soul searching reasons, just curiosity reasons. Some of the stuff written is so far out there that I think it would be cool to see how it all actually went down.
I would be interested in things like this as well. To see what the stories were all about as they really happened. Not only to see it but to also live a little bit of it. I'm thinking I can take a bout a week of not bathing before I decide I had enough of the experience. I bet everyone stanked back in ancient times lol.
So, if we're talking about some magic that would allow us to go back and meet famous people and move around with relative freedom, I'd like to go back to early Ireland, like in the era of Brehon law. Not a lot of recorded history from that period, but some things are known. So many great stories and legends from Ireland in that era, and I'd like to see what it was all about. Druids, bards, maybe meet Cuchulain or Cormac Mac Airt.
Honestly, every time I think of a bygone era, I think life must’ve been pretty miserable. Electricity, bathing, sanitation, illnesses, transportation, and on and on. I guess that’s the pessimist in me.

Agree. We would miss our creature comforts and basic needs that we have meant today like bathing and sanitation. Not to even mention health care where you could potentially die from something that would be easily treated or cured today.

I think peoples body odor and lack of cleanliness would be the hardest to deal with. Many be a fun and interesting experience to go back and bang a female pilgrim or a hot Victorian Era housewife. lol But could we get past without there disgusting teeth or odor? Not to mention they did not have cures or treatments for many more STD's back then so it would be a bit risky. Ive read syphilis was not fun to deal with back in the past. It took out Al Capone
I would have very little interest in going back to an era pre electricity. The only exception for me would be certain parts of the Roman empire.
This all assumes we get to keep the knowledge we currently have.
I would be interested in things like this as well. To see what the stories were all about as they really happened. Not only to see it but to also live a little bit of it. I'm thinking I can take a bout a week of not bathing before I decide I had enough of the experience. I bet everyone stanked back in ancient times lol.
tou do know, then invented soap in 3000 bc, not washing was optional, not an obligation
tou do know, then invented soap in 3000 bc, not washing was optional, not an obligation
It's very interesting, but not at all surprising, to learn that soap was around 5,000 years ago. Soap is pretty straightforward to make. Of course, making it pretty is harder. But making good, safe, healthy soap is not all that difficult. Particularly with lye calculators on the internet to help ensure your oils and lye ratios are reasonable. I make 30 to 60 bars every few months, and give most of them away to friends and neighbors.