Senior Master
Just curious & want to hear the opinions from all you good people..
If a Karate grandmaster dies without leaving a will, who is the most suitable person to succeed his position as the next grandmaster of his Karate organization? Choose one answer and explain your choice..
1. His son or daughter, regardless of ability. Blood are more important than technical skills.
2. The most senior student. Seniority counts!
3. The senior student with the best teaching skills (we need teachers not thugs!)
4. Delegate his duties to a committee consists of senior students and business sponsors.
5. All the senior should settle the matter by fighting no-holds-barred, the one left standing will be the next grandmaster (barbaric, but some would say this is the most fair option).
6. Other (explain your choice)
Thank you very much!
At least some of the time it is the senior student. this happend when hanshi judan Kyan died he left that position to his senior student Eizo Shimubukoro. he was young by the standerds of the okinawan tradition for that rank and positon, but he was and is the hanshi of shobayashi shorin ryu.
However, in some instances the senior students end up splitting up and like in the case of hanshi soken they split with fusi kisei becomeing the head of kenshan kan and one of the other senior students becomeing the head of seito. ( as i remember from long ago fusi kesei was the senior student to hanshi hohan soken.) {i studeid seito as a kid a little, and later as a teen under the same sensei kenshankan as he stayed with fusi kesei and had studied under both on okinawa in the airforce.}