idiot sightings

My daughter used to work at a domain registry as support tech. She emailed me a few conversations of hers on the help line...

Customer: ?NO I am NOT using internet explorer, I?m using internet EXPLODER. EXPLODER!!! Why don?t you understand, should I spell it out for you??

Customer: ?I?m having problems accessing my website.?
Me: ?Okay what kind of problems are you having??
Customer: ?I have 30 websites and 10 businesses. I am a PROFESSIONAL.?
Me: ?I can see that, sir, but in order to diagnose your problem you need to tell me what?s happening that?s causing you to not see your site.?
Customer: ?I click the internet button, and nothing happens.?
Me: ?Are you able to get on the internet at all??
Customer: ?NO. I already told you, I?m a PROFESSIONAL.?
Me: ?Right. Okay do you have internet service??
Customer: ?that?s why I?m CALLING YOU!?
Me: ?We don?t provide internet service, sir. We provide domains. Is your computer on??
Customer: ?I don?t know.?
Me: ?okay is the screen in front of you lit up??
Customer: ?what screen??
Me: ?Sir, you don?t even have a complete computer yet. You need a monitor.?
Customer: ?Oh.?

Customer: ?I?ve been calling you people ALL DAY and I am REALLY MAD.?
Me: ?okay, what seems to be the problem??
Customer: ?I tried resetting my password and it won?t deliver my password to me!!!?
Me: ?Okay let me try it to see if it will work.?
(I try it, and it obviously works fine)
Me: ?ma?am, I did a password reset and the emails it sends seem to be working fine.
Customer: ?No, it doesn?t. I?ve been waiting all WEEK to receive a letter from you with my password reset and I haven?t gotten it yet.?
Me: ?when was the last time you checked your email??
Customer: ?now you?re changing the subject. You don?t understand, maybe I should speak to someone who knows more than you. I?ve been waiting at the mailbox all afternoon, and the mailman hasn?t delivered it yet

Me: ?okay ma?am what version of internet explorer are you using??
Customer: ?the GoDaddy version.?

Customer (has an Iran accent): ?There?s a big butt on my page and I want it OFF!!?
Me: ?okay what are you using to edit and upload your site??
Customer: ?dreamweaver.?
Me: ?So go back into dreamweaver and edit your index and FTP it on our servers.?
Customer: ?no you don?t understand. I didn?t do it. Someone ELSE put BIG BUTT on my page!! I don?t LIKE big butts pictures!!?

Customer: ?I?ve been trying to upload my website and it doesn?t work.?
Me: ?okay what are your FTP settings??
(he tells me)
Me: ?and what error did it show??
Customer: ?that the account doesn?t exist.?
Me: ?Sir, that?s because it doesn?t, you don?t have a domain or hosting package yet.?
Customer: ?Do I need one??

She said most of her days were like this. Makes you think some people should not be allowed to operate a computer without passing a basic intelligence test. TW
TigerWoman said:
My daughter used to work at a domain registry as support tech. She emailed me a few conversations of hers on the help line...
Customer: ?NO I am NOT using internet explorer, I?m using internet EXPLODER. EXPLODER!!! Why don?t you understand, should I spell it out for you?? She said most of her days were like this. Makes you think some people should not be allowed to operate a computer without passing a basic intelligence test. TW
Great ones, TW! Now how can I get that Internet Exploder? :rofl:
Yeah - I want that "GoDaddy version."

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