IDENTITY on reputation points

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Wow...that's pretty dumb, IMHO. I don't see how you did anything wrong there. Yea, if someone is going to ding you like that, they should have to explain! :shrug:
I'd give you a bump too, but I already did earlier, so I have to wait a 100 posts before I can do it again! :)
I'm sure glad ya'll started this tread.I've had thoughts on this myself since I have been dinged a couple times myself,maybe I deserved one of them,but one I definatly didn't.I love the concept of reputation points.Rather than gripe about getting bad reputaion points,I like to throw out a posible policy.First,I don't think knowing who dinged me would do me any good.That actually could have a negative effect.Anybody should be able to give good reputaion points,but bad reputation points should only be given when agreed apon by two or more moderators.Just an idea.
Gary Crawford said:
I'm sure glad ya'll started this tread.I've had thoughts on this myself since I have been dinged a couple times myself,maybe I deserved one of them,but one I definatly didn't.I love the concept of reputation points.Rather than gripe about getting bad reputaion points,I like to throw out a posible policy.First,I don't think knowing who dinged me would do me any good.That actually could have a negative effect.Anybody should be able to give good reputaion points,but bad reputation points should only be given when agreed apon by two or more moderators.Just an idea.

I think that would be far too complicated, no offense. I think that people should, in good faith, just put their reasons behind it if they give negatives.
Yes, with reasons, then at least thr receiver of the +/- rep can know why, and try to refrain from being abraisive, or whatever.:asian:
I looked, and unfortunately, this version of the software doesn't have that option (that I can find). There's rumblings of extended features in future versions, so we can see. :)
I like to explain why I give or take a point. I may only say
"great post # xxx" or "I agree nice way to put it" or "Damn that was a dumb statement" but I do try to say something. I think if I'm going to take the time to use the system I owe the guy/girl a reason.
I have 3 small red cubes, and a collection of green ones. It would definitely help if I knew who's giving me small red cubes, and why. As for the system, in general, it's very helpful, just have the "reputation police" identitify themselves and state their reason why, or just a quick comment.:asian:
Ever since this thread I've been careful to put my ID at the end of whatever comment I wish to give. I've yet to give a negative and hope not to. But even if I do I'll put my name along side and the reason why I "disagree" with that post.
I've just gotten confirmation that requiring a comment isn't a supported feature of the current system. I'll look into the modification site to see if anyone else has done the tweak yet, and what it entails.
Okay I know what

But what does
Zoran said:
Okay I know what

But what does

Somewhere in the middle??? (taking a wild guess)

But I am curious as to how many points does each approval/disapproval give/take-away??
Right now I'm showing I have X number of points with X number of comments or whatever posts I got points on/off(??) the two don't jive. I could average it out but I don't think that'd be accurate ... eh?
The number varies based on several factors.
Time as a member, how many posts you've made, and what your current reputation is.
People with neutral or negative reps can comment, but can't influence your reputation.
The gray box means that whoever tried to influence your rep. did't actually change the value because they haven't made enough posts yet. I think you need to have 50 posts before you can influence others.
I rarely post any more and had forgotten about these reputation points. I looked at my user cp this morning and seen that I had 3 red's and 2 gray boxes. :idunno: I could care less but at least if people could leave an initial or something.
jfarnsworth said:
I rarely post any more and had forgotten about these reputation points. I looked at my user cp this morning and seen that I had 3 red's and 2 gray boxes. :idunno: I could care less but at least if people could leave an initial or something.

paper tigers and flunkies complain about other posters. Obviously these people have a different take on the 1st Amendment. They are trolls of the third kind.
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