Iaito? Recommendations on brands?


Brown Belt
Hi all,

My MSR Sensei has recommended that I start shopping for an iaito. I am still using bokken of course, but he stated that they usually progress to iaito in 1-2 months, and as many of them can take that long to get, he recommended looking sooner rather than later. He only asked that once I find one that I like, that they approve it and make sure it is long enough for me.

I found this:

Minosaka Brand - Custom Double Grooves Iaito

Any other thoughts? Also, did not realize that there were all the options available that there are. LOL.

Pretty much all the stuff from Tozando is good… I have a custom iaito from them myself. The Minosaka brand are good beginner Iaito… whether or not you want to spend that much on a first is another thing, though (my "regular" Tozando custom was cheaper… and customised to a greater degree). The biggest advice I can give is to run it past your instructor first… some are fairly definite on the dimensions/koshirae used, some are more "well, if you like it…". Generally speaking, much of the Eishin lineages prefer a longer blade… so, depending on how tall you are, that can influence what you get. The most important thing is to run it past your instructor before putting any cash down.
Tozando is good. I know several iaido practitioner's who were very happy with their iaito from www.bugei.com. As mentioned above run everything by your instructor before purchasing to make sure it is in line with what they wish for you to have. Good luck and enjoy!
My turn!
Most iaito blades are cast aluminium out of China, finished and pieced together in Japan. So much of what you see is the same product repackaged be retailers.
Time for me to flog my Sensei's site.
I have two iaito and my shinken from this site, and I am in love with my shinken.....
Catalog from Sei Do Kai.
Hey Mike,
There are a plethora (I like that word!) of vendors to get decent quality iaito from these days. You'll do OK as long as you stick with Japanese made iaito. You can get Chinese made steel iaito that will work, but be very careful to purchase from a reputable storefront that will thoroughly inspect them first, and has a good return policy as most Chinese made swords are hit and miss.
Here are a few stores that I've dealt with in the past that sell decent iaito, so I don't mind recommending them ... Tozando, Meiren iaito, Yamato Budogu, SDK Supplies, Swordstore.com, Mugendo Budogu, Nihonzashi.

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