I wasn't driving this one

hahaaa.. too funny re: the photographer *G*
glad you weren't driving that one Jeff.. Eek~!!!
theletch1 said:
I found this while surfing this morning. The article is really one that makes ya just kinda say "well, I'll be." and move on. The thing that caught my eye was the name of the photographer that took the photo. You may have to click on the photo to enlarge it to get a look at the name.http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/traffic/2001847409_webdeception30.html
That good old WA state for ya. Have you ever seen film of that Tacoma bridge in the sixtees? It look like a giant jump-rope.
Oh my....i shall have to send that to my dad..he used to live in WA state
I saw this pic and e-mailed it out to a number of people.

If I had a close call like that, I'd take one look down and my gonads would retract all the way up by my thyroid.


hardheadjarhead said:
I saw this pic and e-mailed it out to a number of people.

If I had a close call like that, I'd take one look down and my gonads would retract all the way up by my thyroid.


In the trucking industry that's called the "pucker factor". That's when something like the photo happens and certain body parts pucker up so fast that ya wind up picking seat cushion from some uncomfortable places for a while. I'm thinking the guy in the article went straight to pucker factor 10~!

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