I was proud back on decemeber 1987


Senior Master
I can remeber all, it was december 1987, I was 20 years old barely, my time in cologe was fine an after 4 and half years of good training I was on my black belt examination. My mother was there, my bro and my girl too. The examniation took about 5 hours, it was passed midnight when my sambunim tied my black belt on my waist.

My mother was so proud and I was so proud, I said to myself, I'm one of the few who reaches this point. At that time only one or two on every 75 students graduate from black belt. My examination was very good, I did all well, poomsae,one and three step sparring,kicking,punching,blocking technikes,kyorugi against one and three black belts at the same time.

22 years had passed and I'm still working on TKD, 22 years sound easy, but I'm still improving.

God bless TKD.

Manny sounds like you have some great memories, I too have been in TKD forever and it is amazing how everything goes.
Manny, it is great that you have such vivid recollection of your black belt test! Keep on training and you'll have other great memories!
The good thing about TKD is that it is always evolving and there is allways more to learn. so i can assume that you are a 6th dan now?
The good thing about TKD is that it is always evolving and there is allways more to learn. so i can assume that you are a 6th dan now?

Nop. I'm still 1th Dan. I quit TKD in 1990 I guess and did many other things, I returned TKD on may 2007. I didi question myself... What if..... I stayed in TKD maybe this days I will be 5th or 6th Dan but the word if.... does not exist for me. In those years I was off TKD I finish college and got a degree, I practiced a lot shooting being one of the best top pistol competitors of my state, I did hunting (still) with my dad, I married to an exelent woman, saw the birth of my two daugters I got another degree in international comerce trade.

I'm still a 1st Dan afther all this years but I'm not in a hurry, first of all I'm a Black Belt and that's waht matters to me, I was off TKD for many years so I want to recover waht was missing at a regular pase.

Wow seriously, congratulations. An interesting thing I noticed:
At my dojang, bb testing is two days long.