I want some opinions...

Lesson to learn here....any time you're involved in an MVA, no matter how minor it may be, call the police!

Well...by and large, yes, but realistically a minor accident may be better kept off your insurance record if both parties are amenable to that.

Personally, I always rpefer having a police record but wouldn't always insist on it.
Well given that he lives in ILLINOIS ... he will likely have to pay for the toilet paper the dude wipes his butt on and his policy renewal fee along with pain and suffering ... because he was trying to do the nice thing.

Cryo, you've been crapped on enough. Stop being the nice guy. Start reporting people like this. You can't afford to be the nice guy anymore - it always turns around on you.
Thanks for all the advice guys...

*I* wanted to report the accident to my insurance right away, he asked me not to. Understand that our school isnt a big commercial school where everyone is just there, pays their dues and trains... we are a private not-for-profit so to speak school, where to get in you have to know someone, be vouched for, get to know everyone, and be voted in Unanimously. This guy isn't new, and I considered him a FRIEND. Ive had him in my home and shared meals with him. I figured I could trust him, and I was doing the right thing by him, not risking his driving privileges, and he was going to let my guy take care of it. But apparently when I wouldnt have my guy do it at 1am that same night, he got all jumpy and had his uncle do it. I'm not against paying him, up to the amount of my deductable, but I cannot materialize the cash out of thin air, and he has been on the attack, and keeps changing his story.

And Bill, FWIW, IF my insurance covered it, which, again is what I carry insurance for, yes, he would have been required to get multiple quotes, and any repair he got would be paid at the rate the insurance felt appropriate. If he wanted to do somthing else, he would have to sue, and here it is unlikley he would win, based on everything the attorneys all told me after I was hit on my motorcycle...
Often even a ten thousand dollar friendship lesson is cheap. No matter the treasure cost of the accident, the knowledge of true or convenient friendship is a valuable one for all involved.

How much is he charging did I miss it in the thread somewhere? What kind of car has he and is it his baby or just transportation?
Brian King
And Bill, FWIW, IF my insurance covered it, which, again is what I carry insurance for, yes, he would have been required to get multiple quotes, and any repair he got would be paid at the rate the insurance felt appropriate. If he wanted to do somthing else, he would have to sue, and here it is unlikley he would win, based on everything the attorneys all told me after I was hit on my motorcycle...

Yes, that's all true. But it isn't the law, unless Illinois is different. You see, when your insurance company tells him he has to get multiple quotes and so on, they have the muscle to make him do it - they refuse to pay unless he follows their rules, and if he sues them, hey, no biggie - that's what they have staff lawyers for.

The problem is that YOU don't have the same clout as insurance companies.

Consider health insurance. I get insurance paperwork all the time for my wife's doctor visits. She has this test or that treatment, and the bill is $800. The insurance company says, "Nah, we'll pay you $120 and you'll like it." And the doctor says fine, the final bill is $120, and that's what the insurance pays - we end up owing nothing.

But if we had no insurance and WE tried telling the doctor's office that we'll pay $120 on an $800 doctor's bill, how far do you think we'd get? It's like that.

It ain't fair and it aint' right, but in this case, it is what it is. Sorry, really!
Not really...

Private property, no injuries... my agency may send a cop, if you really insist. And the cop'll get there, help you exchange info, and leave. How you resolve it is between you and the insurance companies. Another agency in my area won't even send a cop, unless you're fighting or there's some other reason.

Where I work, we send a cop even for private property accidents. As you said, its nothing more than some documentation, and thats about it. Since I've been working where I am, I have yet to see any other enforcement action taken on a private accident.

Of course, as I said, this will vary from place to place.
If he didn't report it, didn't have insurance and is being a jerk, I would give him what is fair (and only that) and invite him to take YOU to small claims if he feels he has a case.

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