I need some help....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
I need some help.

I hate doing this. I really do. But, a couple recent events have forced me to this point.

As many of you are aware, I run a small web design and hosting company. This is what I do. I don't have a "day job" as it were, this is it.
This allows me to run sites like MartialTalk and KenpoTalk without spending a fortune on hosting. Most months, everything is fine. April however, and now May have been quite a different story.

*A client renting an expensive dedicated server jumped ship in mid-april on me. They decided not to let me know this, and I found out about it when I checked their server and found it empty. Needless to say, they aren't paying for May, but I got stuck with all the charges.
*Two clients decided not to renew the domains I was hosting, and again decided not to tell me.
*Several other clients are more than 3 months late on their payments.

These happenings, combined with my costs going up, have put me in a world of hurt. The server situation alone cost me several hundred dollars. When people tell me they need an extra week, I give it to them. In some cases, it's cost me.

I hate having to ask for help, but this month and next are going to be very rough. I'm not asking for any handouts, donations or charity. There are others in worse situations than I who deserve that level of giving.

What I am asking is, if you need hosting for your school, your organization, your business, or just for kicks....if you need site work or graphic work....please, give me a shot. Take out a banner ad on MartialTalk or Kenpotalk, or just become a Supporting Member. Every bit will help get me through this rough time.

I've dedicated myself and my businesses to being the best when it comes to customer satisfaction. You can ask any of my clients about the quality of my work. Many of them are on this board now.

Like I said, I really hate asking for help here...but, I need some help to make it through this challenge.
All support greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
How much for like a little space for pictures, files and the like? Guess how much for a little room on an FTP server?
How much space do you need? I've got a number of different packages, plus a few I don't advertise.

I've got a 1GB space/10GB transfer unlisted package, $20/month.
Hey Bob

I've been working on gathering materials for my school's website. I'm not sure how much all of the video and text that I have will take, but I was initially thinking about going through Yahoo. Lets chat. My timeframe to make some decisions is sometime this summer.

Sounds like a good time to see about a web site for the Brothers school. I e-mailed you a bit of info.
KenpoTalk membership will be coming your way soon.
Bob you are hosting my new website correct?
If so do I owe and how much, I try not to be a deadbeat but it is in my family from the sixties.
I'll be re-upping early, then. I'll see if i can swing two years. Time's is tight in my world, too; but, I should have a little to spread around.
I just want to say, thank you -very- -very- much to everyone. I really appreciate the support. :)
Andrew Green said:
$15 / year is less then a magazine subscription, and MT beats magazines ;)

Now Andrew some of those magazine have that mail order to be a BB and they do put up a great fight for the first couple of seconds.


So what you are saying is we should implemant a MT Black belt certification for a nice sized fee?
Andrew Green said:

So what you are saying is we should implemant a MT Black belt certification for a nice sized fee?

how about sokeship?

MrHnaudo - 1st soke :)
I just became a MT supporting member today and haven't left the site yet. for all of you that aren't supporting members, you don't know what you are missing out on. It really is the best deal out there.



PS I will take one of those sokeships. Will I be soked then?
i need to set up a website.

pardon, but im very computer illiterate.

could you direct me to the information about prices and such.

as well, i assume you aid in the construction of the site as well.

i am a wny'er and found this site through a search for groups in this area...

so we are neighbors of a kind.

be happy to help.