i need some help with my weight...

  • Thread starter Thread starter littlespree123
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Im not quite sure what 124 pounds converts to in Kgs but it doesnt sound very heavy to me.

Im not much taller than you at 5'1 and I normally sit around 58kgs. Maybe they breed us bigger over here but even though I feel I could lose a couple of kgs most people think I am at the correct weight. That is apart from graphs that people like Jenny Craig or Weight watchers put out. They feel that 48 - 52 kgs would be correct which is rubbish.

Weight is irrelevant, its what you look like and feel like that counts. You could also weigh heavier if you do alot of weight training as muscle weighs heavier than fat. You should also look at your bone structure.

It just worrys me when young people think they are too fat as so much emphasis is placed on size these days and too many people end up with weight related illnesses.

Other than all that eat little lots and exercise. Breakfast - snack, lunch -snack, dinner snack. Cardio is good but dont go too fast where your breathing is laboured as that means you are working cardio fitness as appossed to getting the benefits of cardio for fat loss. Eat healthy.
Storm said:
muscle weighs heavier than fat

which weighs more a pound of muscle or a pound of fat?

please tell me got it right...

muscle doesn't "weigh more"...it is denser...meaning you can have more mass in the same amout of space...

not to detract from your post...you had good points...but this became a pet peeve of mine after i met my good buddy, who's an excersize science major and big into weight training and strength training...i used to say that all the time...and he'd give me a look and recite me the speech i just gave you
bignick said:
which weighs more a pound of muscle or a pound of fat?

please tell me got it right...

muscle doesn't "weigh more"...it is denser...meaning you can have more mass in the same amout of space...

not to detract from your post...you had good points...but this became a pet peeve of mine after i met my good buddy, who's an excersize science major and big into weight training and strength training...i used to say that all the time...and he'd give me a look and recite me the speech i just gave you

Opps I may have mucked that up but I know what I mean

A few years ago I was quite bit heavier and not quite so fit. Lost alot of weight, hammered the gym and started MA. I got down to around 55kgs but was soft so hired a Personal Trainer. Was getting smaller and stronger etc but when I went to have a fitness test by a consultant found that I was a kg heavier and paniced. I was told that it was because I had more muscle and less fat, thats how I came to my assumption on what I just said.

Always willing to learn so glad for the correction.

no problem...it's not really a big deal...everybody knows what you mean...it was just me not being able to keep my mouth shut...
i'd like to...if i could...ask littlespree how she's doing?...have you decided on any plans of action yet
Alot of good advice, I know when I was 18 (I am male) I weighed 225 and am 5'11", when I joined TKD and started eating better I lost 50 pounds in 9 months.

I kept it off for 6 years until I got married and had kids and could not keep working out as often. I am 30 now and just getting back into Martial ARts
hi sorri its been a while since i've replied...but i would like to say thank you to all of you who gave advice. i just read it and it all gave me insight on how or what i can do to lose some weight...for about the past week i have been excersin more and i am trying to fight off temptation of all the sweets (its sooo hard)..but hopefully by the end of the year my goal will succeed...and im just takin it slow...little by little...so wish me luck...and thanks again for the advice....

btw...rite now i am 123.00...my daddi bought me a new scale...and my goal is to be 110...so hopefully by november i will succeed my goal...
Hi littlespree, it's nice to see you again. Good luck, and don't be too hard on yourself, whether you lose 0 lbs or 20. You're very active with TKD, and if you work out more, you might even see a slight weight increase if you start putting on more muscle. I hope that any change you have in your eating and exercise program will make you feel good, and feel healthy. If you're never going to be a leggy waif-like supermodel, you'll still be feeling good, and able to kick butt. :)
once again thanks....btw do u guys have any suggestions on what to eat and whatnot to eat??? like be a lil specific....thanks
Well, what do you eat now? How much do you want to (or can you) change your diet?

I prefer a low-fat diet, but others prefer low-carb diets, or just in general counting calories (like Weight Watchers).

How do you think you want to change your diet now?

When I'm trying to lose weight, I avoid donuts, cookies, soda, ice cream, cereal (I LOVE cereal at night).

I do eat, in small amounts: cheese, nuts, meat

I try to eat larger amounts of fresh fruits and veggies. Vegetables added to everything: they add bulk and fiber, you can eat a LOT of them without gaining weight and they help you to feel full. For example: Add lots of veggies to a small amount of pasta with tomato sauce. You can fill a _giant_bowl if it's mostly veggies and it will be a satifying meal.

Don't deny yourself the things you love (for me it's chocolate), just try to eat them less frequently and in smaller portions (unless the things you LOVE are raw veggies, heh heh).

Good luck little spree
as of 15 minutes ago i drank my last pop....for a while at least...i've also stopped eating most of my favorite junk foods....i'm trying to get in shape for my black belt test in december so i decided it was time to make some changes as well...

the big thing as other people mentioned is to be realistic...i'm never gonna be a skinny, rail-thin, beanpole....but i don't want to be...i've got a lot of muscle and mass that generates a LOT of power...i just got a little too much "protection" over that muscle...my goal is to lose some of that fat which will help increase my speed and add even more power....good luck...i'm sure you can do it
littlespree123 said:
once again thanks....btw do u guys have any suggestions on what to eat and whatnot to eat??? like be a lil specific....thanks
I think you need to lengthen your day. I can drop 8lbs in one week simply by getting up at 5 a.m. everyday for seven days, do all my normal daily routines, and don't go to bed until 11 p.m. Not only do I get twice as much done, but I lose weight.
Patrick Skerry said:
I think you need to lengthen your day. I can drop 8lbs in one week simply by getting up at 5 a.m. everyday for seven days, do all my normal daily routines, and don't go to bed until 11 p.m. Not only do I get twice as much done, but I lose weight.
So, your suggesting that a 15 year old try to get by on 6 hours sleep. No wonder people are looking to suppliments to increase their "energy."

IMO, dump the dieting. diets are totally bogus--98% of them fail. the dieting industry-(which makes billions of $$ each year) is a lot like the tobacco industry: they want young customers that will buy their product for life. someone feels like crap so they start a diet, they lose weight, they fall off the wagon, gain back all the weight plus more, then feels like crap. ahhh, it all comes full circle. yo-yo dieting is awful for your health, jerks around your blood sugars, blood pressure, messes up your 'set point', etc. Suggested reading: "big fat lies" by dr. glen gassear, "Fat!So?" by marilyn wann, or "The Obesity Myth" by Paul Campos.

i'm personally proud to be a fattie. i'm at the martial arts school 2-3 hrs a week, i exercise a little every day at home, not for weight loss, but for ME. i'm 5ft 1 and $1.75. my blood pressure: 110/70. my total cholesterol: 144. my resting pulse: 60. i'm living proof that you can be fit and fat.

i liked big nick's first post: body size doesn't equal health. skinny doesn't necc. mean that you're a better martial artist. skinny doesn't even mean healthy-(david bowie, a thin vegetarian just had an angeoplasty in july of this year for clogged arteries). for cryin' out loud--look at sumo wrestlers! i know what some of you are thinking: what about the war on obesity? again, it's all media hype. if anything, people are probably getting fatter because of the icky dieting cycle they're on! when you read the 'studies' that say there are yadda, yadda, yadda 300,000 deaths per year because of obesity, well that's because they've used 'obesity' as the cause of death when it could have been from anything else: a car accident, lung cancer, choking, the list could go on forever.
so i say, love that body! (national love your body day is Oct. 20). do the very best you can in the do jang, eat, drink, and be merry!

fat chicks rule!
Hi littlespree,

I've never had a problem with my weight, so I was going to avoid this thread altogether, but then I realized I may actually have a contribution to make with regards to dieting.

I think the problem for most people who diet is that they're concerned with eating more heathily, when part of the real problem is that their metabolism all out of wack because they've never eaten normally. What I mean by this is, many people skip meals, usually breakfast or lunch, and then make up for it by snacking, or eating larger portions later on. My suggestion to you, and to anyone else who is considering dieting, is that you start by sticking to a regular meal schedule of three meals a day, and try to cut out in-between snacks. At the very least, this should be good practice in discipline for starting a stricter dieting program.

BTW, jaymo, I think you have a good attitude about all this.

Something else I think is worth mentioning: every woman I've ever known, no matter how athletic, or how good their figure is, has complained about their weight at some point. As a guy, personally, I'm more turned off by a woman obsessing over her appearance than I am by a few extra pounds. (Not to imply that anyone here is obsessing.)
:wavey: Hi Spree!

One way to look at the your diet, is to keep it whole, fresh, and raw.
Meaning, always trying to eat plenty of fresh veggies and greens. Lean meats, and healthy nuts like walnuts, and get your share of whole milk in too....Stay away from white flours, like white type breads and pasta...You can have some, but very sparingly. You need to drink at least a gallon of spring water a day minimum, because of your activites. If this seems like alot, you can work yourself up to it over a period of time

The best way to do this is eat the food that you're having for your meals as fresh as possible, whole as possible, and raw as possible..Not including meat of course.

This is one of the better ways of going about your "diet" as you don't need any gimmicks, counting of this or that, or really any other stuff. Just healthy whole food.

You do need to make sure to get your training in though each week as well for best results.

I hope this helps you some.

Please let us all know how you're doing with your progress, as we're all interested.

Best of luck!

Zepp said:
I think the problem for most people who diet is that they're concerned with eating more heathily, when part of the real problem is that their metabolism all out of wack because they've never eaten normally. What I mean by this is, many people skip meals, usually breakfast or lunch, and then make up for it by snacking, or eating larger portions later on. My suggestion to you, and to anyone else who is considering dieting, is that you start by sticking to a regular meal schedule of three meals a day, and try to cut out in-between snacks. At the very least, this should be good practice in discipline for starting a stricter dieting program.

Yeah. I've had people look at me like I have three heads when the subject of eating breakfast comes up. (Mainly 'cause I eat one.)

Pretty much along those lines, diets aren't as useful in weight loss as habits are. I used to go through a 24 pack of coke etc in two days. One day I looked at the calories per can, figured I was ingesting a few thousand more calories than I'd ever need per day and switched to diet. Went off caffiene for a while, but it made no apparent difference after 3 months or so, and figured it wasn't worth having to uh, "enjoy" nothing but water.