Brown Belt
Hello folks,
Please excuse this rather self indulgent post but I am feeling very undecisive at the moment and just typing my thoughts out and reading your opinions on this may help me make up my mind.
I have a few options open to me in regards to my martial arts training. I stopped my TKD training a while back and took up jujutsu. This was a good move as the jujutsu classes meet all of my personal requirements of martial arts training. My jujutsu is on Mondays and Wednesdays.
When I changed my job from shift working to 9-5 this opened up the option of training more than twice a week. So I started a Boxing class on fridays as it was always something I wanted to try.
I have recently become a little disheartened with my boxing class as it is not a sparring class (sparring is on Mondays so clashes with my jujutsu) and it has become much too big and popular for the size of the venue. Plus I was missing the kicking aspect. So I looked around for a kickboxing or muay thai school. I found a decent kickboxing class that trains on Fridays. Unfortunately the friday session is predominantly bag work so I think would soon frustrate me like my boxing class does with the lack of sparring. (The other training nights for kickboxing are Mondays and Wednesdays so would clash with my jujutsu).
I have recently received a few text messages from my old TKD instructor asking me if I felt like returning to his club (offering me a free month trial). I could do this as well as my jujutsu as TKD trains Fridays and Sundays. There are a few cons with this; I know my girlfriend will be unhappy that I am training an extra night! Also even though my old TKD instructor was very self defence orientated I remember becoming frustrated that after passing my first novice belts my training became more syllabus focused. More and more time was spent learning jumping, spinning and high kicks and I missed the time spent pounding the pads with my elbow and knee strikes and learning the takedowns from the patterns. Saying this though I was starting to get it a little before I left. I also feel that with my jujutsu classes I now get loads of time practising realistic close quarter striking and grappling so will now enjoy the variety more. Another con would be leaving behind the boxing techniques. My punching power has drastically improved since taking up boxing.
The pro's to going back to TKD would be that I really enjoy the sparring in TKD and I'm not getting sparring any where else. Also I think the TKD would really complement my jujutsu training. I would also get lots of kicking practice that I have been missing.
So to cut this down to the chase, what should I do?
Do I stay with my boxing class on Friday nights?
Do I change to a kickboxing class on Friday nights?
Do I change to my old TKD class on Friday and Sunday nights?
Obviously no one can make this decision for me but I would appreciate reading everyones opinions and thoughts on this. It may help me get closer to making up my mind.
Please excuse this rather self indulgent post but I am feeling very undecisive at the moment and just typing my thoughts out and reading your opinions on this may help me make up my mind.
I have a few options open to me in regards to my martial arts training. I stopped my TKD training a while back and took up jujutsu. This was a good move as the jujutsu classes meet all of my personal requirements of martial arts training. My jujutsu is on Mondays and Wednesdays.
When I changed my job from shift working to 9-5 this opened up the option of training more than twice a week. So I started a Boxing class on fridays as it was always something I wanted to try.
I have recently become a little disheartened with my boxing class as it is not a sparring class (sparring is on Mondays so clashes with my jujutsu) and it has become much too big and popular for the size of the venue. Plus I was missing the kicking aspect. So I looked around for a kickboxing or muay thai school. I found a decent kickboxing class that trains on Fridays. Unfortunately the friday session is predominantly bag work so I think would soon frustrate me like my boxing class does with the lack of sparring. (The other training nights for kickboxing are Mondays and Wednesdays so would clash with my jujutsu).
I have recently received a few text messages from my old TKD instructor asking me if I felt like returning to his club (offering me a free month trial). I could do this as well as my jujutsu as TKD trains Fridays and Sundays. There are a few cons with this; I know my girlfriend will be unhappy that I am training an extra night! Also even though my old TKD instructor was very self defence orientated I remember becoming frustrated that after passing my first novice belts my training became more syllabus focused. More and more time was spent learning jumping, spinning and high kicks and I missed the time spent pounding the pads with my elbow and knee strikes and learning the takedowns from the patterns. Saying this though I was starting to get it a little before I left. I also feel that with my jujutsu classes I now get loads of time practising realistic close quarter striking and grappling so will now enjoy the variety more. Another con would be leaving behind the boxing techniques. My punching power has drastically improved since taking up boxing.
The pro's to going back to TKD would be that I really enjoy the sparring in TKD and I'm not getting sparring any where else. Also I think the TKD would really complement my jujutsu training. I would also get lots of kicking practice that I have been missing.
So to cut this down to the chase, what should I do?
Do I stay with my boxing class on Friday nights?
Do I change to a kickboxing class on Friday nights?
Do I change to my old TKD class on Friday and Sunday nights?
Obviously no one can make this decision for me but I would appreciate reading everyones opinions and thoughts on this. It may help me get closer to making up my mind.