I like to flow


Senior Master
I am getting better in my Kenpo at a steady pace, no don't get me wrong, it's cost me a little but I am doing it fine. In dojo there are two people who are flowing, Orlando and myself, Orlando is a former TKDoing (red belt) and he took Lima-Lama lessons too, he is pretty fast and he's like a fish into wather with his Kenpo, I am a old BB in TKD with some aikido lessons on my back and even not as fast as Orland I am much more stronger so my moves are not so fancy but very efective so we compliment each other, we like to TOUCH (pain inoculation) to comprehend the tech.

Last night when doing 5 swords I realice when I was doing the firsth blocking my right hand was already striking Orlandos neck/troat at the same time Orland was trwing me his punch so my lefth hand was blking and checking at the same time my right hand was striking the vital area, this was instictive and nice vry nice. Sensei told us this was second nature and scaliting in the belts the next techs are so fast and the blocking and atacking is at the same time.

Maybe my Kenpo is not so clean but very efective.

If the punch coming at you is a thrust then by all means stick him in the throat; but if its a haymaker you are better off striking the whole body with a vetical forearm at about the collar bone. Positioning your self against his momentum takes precidence. Its a calming tech.
I would sometimes angle my right elbow out a bit on the first move, to spike the opponent in the chest. Worked well under the right circumstances.

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