point fighting, firsth ever


Senior Master
Last night was my firsth exposure to point fighting as a Kenpoka. You know my style is TKD WTF so I am used to kick hard and to punch hard when it's possible to the body (not the head by WTF rules), this means for get a point I have to make hard contact, if not no point is awarded.

Well point figthing in Kenpo is so diferent! Here the firsth guy who hits wins the point, the fastest guy is the guy who wins (something like fencing).

I am a big guy and my sparring was a slender very fast guy (with some experience in japanese karate) and the master ask us not to use kicks (my speciality) only fists to see our performance.

I was so exited that the firsth two points were mine, one bas a backfist to the forehead and the other was an uppercut to the face, from that moment my oponent was faster than I and nailed my with two reverse punches to the chest, he was fast. At the end we charged each other and don't know how I hit him first with a reverse punch to the mid section, it was a close win cause my partner hit almost at the same time.

The only equipment we used were 12 oz boxing gloves and a headgear like the ones used in boxing matches.

I liked the game a lot, I will need to work on the new sparring techs and rules to try to get better and gian some speed.

Is continus fighting something like TKD? I Mean continus means don't stop but want to know if the central referee can stop the fight any time and I think in continus fighting strong kicks and punches are allowed but don't know if trows and sweeps are allowed. In continuos who wins? cause no points are awarded as long as I know.


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