I having those days.....


Senior Master
Since last week I am having those days were working out in the dojan/dojo is complicated, last week I atend only twice to the kenpo dojo and cero TKD. This week I don't have my car cause it's broken and I live very far away from the kenpo dojo and tkd dojang.

Last night I did some exrecise in home, mostly calistecnics and stretching with some kenpo techs, it was nothing to be proud of, it were only 45 minutes of moderated exercise but this is better than nothing.

I hope to go TKD clasess tonight, I really need to train cause a day doing nothing is a worthless day.

I feel for you. I had to stay hoe a few times because the car was broken.

I hate when life throws these nasty curve balls.
Physical fitness is just as important for self defense as technique practice. Sometimes moreso since you can ward off many potential attacks by just being visibly fit and alert.

You're limiting yourself unnecessarily by introducing mental barriers to your training. Regard this setback as an opportunity instead of an impediment.
Manny, I've been there...done that...bought a t-shirt.

it says "Manure Occureth" :D

Good for you for doing smae at home training. I find that's hard fo rme to do when i really jsut want to be at class. Just keep at it. Days/weeks like this get better in time. :)

Manny, I've been there...done that...bought a t-shirt.

it says "Manure Occureth" :D

Good for you for doing smae at home training. I find that's hard fo rme to do when i really jsut want to be at class. Just keep at it. Days/weeks like this get better in time. :)


Thanx Erik, tonight I'm going to dojang, I borrowed my dad's pick up for some days (he's a little sick), last night I felt the need to do something that's why I did some exercise, nothing fancy just calistecnics and a little stretching, some push ups and crunches.

I will try to atend to my classes this week.

you're not alone. I feel like it has been one of those days everyday this past year. time is flying by this year.
Since last week I am having those days were working out in the dojan/dojo is complicated, last week I atend only twice to the kenpo dojo and cero TKD. This week I don't have my car cause it's broken and I live very far away from the kenpo dojo and tkd dojang.

Last night I did some exrecise in home, mostly calistecnics and stretching with some kenpo techs, it was nothing to be proud of, it were only 45 minutes of moderated exercise but this is better than nothing.

I hope to go TKD clasess tonight, I really need to train cause a day doing nothing is a worthless day.


Good for you Manny...and yes....it is something to be proud of, you could not go to the school and workout so you took the initiative and did a workout at home...Well done. Be proud that you took the time to do something, anything, as opposed to nothing. Good job.
